Introducing Sky Services

Your simple solution to reduce print infrastructure


FUJIFILM Business Innovation’s newest addition to our Managed Services portfolio could help to simplify the costs and complexities of traditional print management.

No matter if you’re working remotely, hot-desking in a new office or holding down the fort at your regular post - from clicking ‘Print’ to archiving your document, Sky Services is the flexible, vendor-agnostic* system to manage it all from any device.

With the benefits of FUJIFILM Business Innovation’s flexible ‘as a service’ infrastructure, you could increase productivity of your existing print fleet and boost security of your data. You’ll have the ability to reduce or remove your on-premises infrastructure and network bandwidth – which in turn may reduce capital and operational costs.

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You’re looking to avoid costly on-premises server solutions and build in flexibility for new ways of working now and in the future. A possible option is embedding a print platform that integrates and scales with existing administration systems and legacy infrastructure.

You’re challenged to gain maximum efficiency from every print device you already have and find ways to minimise the cost of entry as well as ongoing capital expense. We understand these are issues you are likely to encounter frequently.

Human resources tasked with frequent helpdesk printing assistance requests and maintaining on-premises print servers may also absorb disproportionate time and staffing expenses. Effective management requires proactive analysis and forecasting to support decision-making.

You’d like to allow your IT team to use their time more productively, and for staff to experience seamless printing, anywhere and anytime.

Consider how the Sky Services by FUJIFILM Business Innovation could help you solve your challenges.

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Modular pay-per-device pricing

Design once, deploy many,
adapt at will.

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Maximise use of your fleet

Supports all common printer models* so that your fleet may be able to access the features of an enterprise print cloud.

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Easy integration

Integrates your fleet with business applications and workflow management tools.

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Trusted security standards

Encrypts print jobs. Document content does not leave your premises.

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Reduced on-site expenses

Provides a subscription approach to access mature print services, potentially reducing the high cost of entry or long-term commitments.

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Proactive decision-making

Full analytics delivers efficiency trends to help you manage your fleet solutions and forecast demand.

Benefit of Sky Services

Sky Services goes further with assisting you to solve on-premises printing challenges. It could be the next piece in your digital transformation journey. Our ‘as a service’ solution offers:

Vendor agnostic working across hybrid device fleets*

Simple, pay-per device pricing, scalable to meet demand.

Enhanced management control to be able to proactively monitor and predict usage.

Secure hosting in Azure, managed by industry experts.

Mature industry security standards – ISO27001, CPS 234, Cybersecurity Essential 8.

Increase the capabilities and flexibility of all connected devices for the potential to maximise print efficiency.

Why choose Sky Services?

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia are leading providers of customised managed services. We aim to deliver increasingly simple, consistent and streamlined business solutions to help you to be able to drive productivity in your workflows and processes.

Our cloud print platform ‘as a service’ complements the suite of fully managed cloud services we offer, giving you access to the benefit that our cloud printing solution could bring to your digital transformation. Sky Services by FUJIFILM Business Innovation is secure, professionally managed and resourced and extensible to support your digital transformation goals.

Take advantage of FUJIFILM Business Innovation’s experience, global reach and outstanding customer experience. It is time to consider how Sky Services could help you improve efficiencies and reduce operating costs in your enterprise.

Complement your on-premises print fleet, potentially free up your IT administration and take advantage of secure, scalable cloud hosting with our enterprise cloud print solution.

Speak to one of our experts to discover how Sky Services can work for you.

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*Sky Services is guaranteed to work with all FUJIFILM devices. We can provide mixed fleet support dependant on evaluation of specifications to ensure capability.

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