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Environmental, Social and Governance

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia is a participant member of the UN Global Compact Network Australia (UNGCNA). The business-led organisation brings together signatories to the United Nations Global Compact, to advance corporate sustainability and the private sector’s contribution to sustainable development. The GCNA brings the Global Compact to life in the Australian context and wherever Australian companies operate.

In Line with Our Environmental, Social and Governance Efforts

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Our approach to sustainable supplier management is informed by the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

Our commitment to these principles paves the way to addressing human rights, labour rights, environmental initiatives, anti-corruption and the fight against slavery in supply chains. These principles are incorporated into our policies and new supplier evaluations and assessments.

We have been a proud member of Supply Nation since 2015. Supply Nation is a leading Australian database of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses. Our membership with Supply Nation allows us to develop diverse supply chain relationships and practice responsible procurement.

Dedicated to Environmental, Social and Governance, find out more about FUJIFILM Business Innovation’s environmental sustainability initiatives.

SN Member