Discover the power of finance automation solutions for business growth

Take your accounts payable and accounts receivable processes to new levels of productivity


Design your finance systems to promote growth

As your business grows, the flow of accounts payable and receivable grows, and cash management plays an increasingly critical role. More transactions, more suppliers, more customers, more complexity.

Choose smarter, enterprise-level finance automation that can grow with you. You’ll also benefit from reduced errors, transparent management of all core accounting functions, freeing up employee time from repetitive work to chase growth opportunities and build customer relationships.

Financial automation solutions can speed up and enhance accounts payable, expense management, and accounts receivable processes while reducing costs, risks, and errors.

Using a customised combination of software and professional services to power your business growth, our team of FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia experts can help you identify and implement the right financial automation solution for your business and your people. We are not locked into any one brand, so we can focus sharply on your unique business finance requirements, now and in the future.

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Transform Your Business with Strategic Financial Management and AP/AR Automation

Financial management is the heartbeat of all businesses. And it goes beyond good accounting.

This is not news to any C-suite member. But in our evolving business climate, it usually falls to the ‘money people’ to lead digital transformation, provide reliable financial information and effectively manage costs.

In Gartner’s 2024 finance executive priorities survey of 185 CFOs’ 2024 priorities, achieving successful outcomes in finance transformation was the top concern, showing that “70% of finance transformations are either less impactful or moving slower than expected.”

Partnering with IT for optimal results certainly goes a long way. But the right technology must also be well-accepted and adopted by finance staff of various ages and stages.

Let us help you introduce meaningful improvements with finance automation and bring employees on the digital transformation journey while improving productivity and maintaining compliance.

Enhance Efficiency with Accounts Payable Solutions and Expense Management

Digitise the accounts payable (AP) process to automate the entire AP process from start to finish. Reduce manual labour when it comes to receipting invoices, verifying vendors, reviewing invoices, approving invoices, and paying invoices.

Save time and money, improve visibility and control, and reduce the onerous workload that manually processing invoices involves. All while keeping your suppliers happy and paid on time.

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How Accounts Payable and Expense Automation Works

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Invoice capture and extraction

Automatically capture digital copies of your invoices (scanned, emailed, or physical), key information is extracted and stored in a centralised location.

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Simplified workflow

Workflows capture data entry, match invoices to P.Os, payment approval, and invoice validation, all based on your preset approval flows.

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ERP integration

The data is then uploaded into your existing ERP system.

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Payment processing

Invoices are automatically directed to your accounts team to process.

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Visibility and insights

Gain real-time visibility of invoices ready for processing, outstanding POs and projected payments.

Key Benefits of Accounts Payable Automation

Simplified invoice processing


The ease and simplicity of AP automation means that the process can be streamlined from start to finish, from creating an invoice through to approval and execution. All information is recorded and stored safely and accurately, freeing up your accounts team.

Automated PO and invoice matching


Turn around invoices in a fraction of the usual time. Automatically match invoices and purchase orders, and identify variances or outstanding invoices easily.

Payments on time, every time


Faster approval capture with automated AP allows for rapid processing of payments, increasing your ability to meet payment terms.

Streamlined approval management


Set customised workflows to digitally route invoices to the right delegate for approval. Track and trigger follow-up for unactioned items. Minimise unnecessary delays, misplacing invoices, or multiple prints.

Enhance Your Business with Accounts Receivable Automation Solutions

Seamless and responsive account management and professional, repeat-business customer relationships are the minimum standards most businesses work to attain. The accounts receivable process (AR), from initial account set-up to payment and reconciliation is crucial to business survival.

Slow payment or non-payment of accounts is a massive business risk. You have your own suppliers and staff to pay, and the business needs investment. While you can’t always control revenue flow, you can take steps to ensure your accounts receivable workflows are as proactively efficient as the latest technology will allow.

Harness the power of finance automation that effortlessly gives you the power to get paid faster, secure your revenue and optimise your cash flow and staff resources, all with total dashboard visibility and control of cash flow and liabilities.

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How Accounts Receivable Automation Works

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Account creation

Establish and validate accounts, with regard to credit risk, local regulations, and compliance requirements.

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Invoice generation and delivery

Create and deliver invoices based on customer’s preferences and local requirements. Automatically deliver to customer AP portals.

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Payment processing

Provide an online self-service payment facility and customer portal with automated responsive interaction.

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Ensure all outstanding accounts are being followed up with preset strategies.

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Allocation of payments and customer reconciliation

Allocate incoming payments promptly to ensure efficient resourcing and cash flow.

Benefits of Automating Your Accounts Receivable

Get paid faster


Use automation to onboard customers, control credit risk, and reduce bad debt write-offs.

Ensure your invoices are received and actioned by the customer


Reduce invoice processing costs with automation and get instant notification of delivery errors.

Optimise your collections process


Automated reminders, preset alerts, and prioritised action listings to increase staff success and job satisfaction. Resolve issues fast and monitor performance with real-time dashboards.

Make it easy for third parties to make payment to your business


Versatile, comprehensive payment methods and online accessibility make it possible to pay from almost anywhere. Offer early payment discounts or autopay to boost cash flow. And make reconciliation painless through accurate remittance reporting.

Reduce the risk of duplicate payments


Our automated solution checks for duplicate invoices and helps prevent duplicate payments for the same invoice, removing manual monitoring, chasing up refunds or mismanaged money.

Accelerate cash allocation


Improve cash allocation efficiency with smart remittance management and identify deductions and disputes easily.

Overcome Growth Challenges with Finance Automation Solutions

Digital transformation is far from optional in a competitive environment and in difficult economic times. It’s the game-changer that opens up possibilities for strong growth with better productivity and tightly controlled spending. Consider how your accounting roadblocks will diminish and how your competitive advantage will grow.

Happier customers

Customers expect fast service. With automated processing, create accurate invoices with the touch of a button. Reducing manual workloads means less time spent on repeated finance tasks and more time spent on what really matters – your customers.

360° view of customer activity

Effortless management of customer information is possible using the customer dashboard that shows every interaction and status of orders and payments.

Reduced paper reliance

Digitising the processing, storing, and accessing of your accounting documents means reducing reliance on paper, printing costs and the risk of misplacement, along with the space issues of physical filing and retrieval.

Smarter resource allocation

Time, resources, paper – it all adds costs to your business. Increase accuracy and the number of invoices processed, while reducing the time it normally takes! Recovered time and resources can be directed elsewhere.

Better external relationships

Missing payment deadlines can strain otherwise good business partnerships. Chasing creditors is disheartening and time-consuming. Automation means that your invoices are accurately paid in accordance with payment terms, and payments are received and correctly allocated to keep the cash flowing.

Improved staff satisfaction

Removing the mundane elements of important everyday accounting actions reduces employee stress. It also creates the opportunity for value-added work and a better workplace environment with happier staff.

Complete access, visibility, and control

Digital capture and tracking make it easier and quicker to detect and resolve errors. Real-time reporting creates accurate, actionable insights and proactive management opportunities.

Choosing the Right Partner for Finance Automation Success

Finance automation isn't one size fits all. At FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia, we are brand agnostic. This means we work with you to identify and implement the right solution for your business, choosing the technology and partners that tick all your boxes. Our technology partners are the best in the business.

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Case Study

Tungsten Automation enables multinational company Devro to gain international visibility of AP

As a global manufacturer, Devro needed real-time management information of the AP process to ensure adherence to their standards and SOPs.

Read about the results


Esker and True Alliance share best practice AR insights

In this webinar, Esker discusses how AR automation helped one of the largest retailers and distributors in Australia and New Zealand smooth cash flows, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

Watch the Webinar

Case Study

MyHealth clinics achieve 30% reduction in AP workload with 100% invoice-processing accuracy

Through its 100 clinics, Myhealth Medical Group provides care services to over one million Australians every year. The Group replaced manual approaches to invoice processing with an automated solution based on Tungsten AP Essentials.

Find out more

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AP and AR Automation Solutions FAQs

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia's AR automation enables fast, accurate invoicing and versatile payment options, boosting customer satisfaction by enhancing the responsiveness and professionalism of financial interactions.
Yes, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia's AP automation solutions integrate seamlessly with many existing ERP systems, ensuring accurate data synchronisation and real-time financial insights to optimise business operations.
AR automation includes credit risk assessments and regulatory compliance checks, enhancing decision-making and reducing financial risks by monitoring customer creditworthiness.
FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia's financial automation streamlines operations by automating routine financial tasks, reducing errors, and freeing up personnel for more strategic activities, thereby boosting productivity.
FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia's financial automation solutions implement robust security measures, including data encryption and strict access controls, ensuring the protection of sensitive financial information and compliance with international standards.