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5 Sustainable Printing Methods for Small Medium Businesses

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the need to adopt sustainable practices across all industries. The print industry is no exception. This is good news for small to medium businesses, giving them confidence that print needs can be done sustainably. But with so many options available, it can be hard to know where to start.

We explore the effects on the environment some current printing methods have, as well as sustainable printing options and components that are perfect for small-medium businesses. From LED UV printing to carbon-balanced paper and print, FUJIFILM Business Innovation has got you covered.

Current Printing Methods and Their Environmental Impact

Printing is an essential part of doing business for many organisations. Whether it's printing marketing materials, product labels, or packaging, businesses rely on printing to get their products and messages out to their customers. However, traditional printing methods can have a significant impact on the environment. The paper industry is a major contributor to deforestation, and the production of printing inks and solvents results in the release of harmful chemicals into the air and water. In recent years, more sustainable printing methods have emerged. These environmentally-friendly methods include digital printing, which doesn't require the use of harmful chemicals, and printing on recycled paper. By using these sustainable printing methods, businesses can help to reduce their environmental impact.

1. LED UV Printing

One of the most sustainable printing methods available today is LED UV printing. This type of printing uses ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV LEDs) instead of traditional mercury-vapour lamps to cure or dry inks and coatings. UV LEDs are free of harmful toxins and chemicals, making them a more environmentally friendly option. They also use less energy than traditional mercury-vapour lamps, making them more efficient and cost-effective in the long run.

2. Recycled Paper

Using recycled paper for printing is a longstanding sustainable method. Recycled paper is made from post consumer waste, such as old newspapers, magazines, and office paper, that would otherwise end up in landfill. By using recycled paper, your business can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce deforestation. It's a win-win for both the environment and your business.

3. Digital Printing

Digital printing is another sound sustainable option for small-medium business. This type of printing uses laser or inkjet technologies rather than traditional print methods such as offset lithography or rotogravure. This makes it more efficient as there is no need for plates, cylinders, or film negatives. As a result, digital printing produces less waste and uses less energy than traditional methods. Digital printing is also more precise, which means there is less chance of errors and wasted materials.

4. Carbon-Balanced Paper & Print

One way to offset your carbon footprint is to use carbon-balanced paper and print. Carbon balanced is a way for businesses to balance their paper impacts, and the paper itself is made from sustainably sourced wood fibre. This ensures that the paper production process does not contribute to deforestation or climate change, and offsets carbon emissions from the production and distribution of paper. Carbon-balanced print is carried out using carbon-balanced paper and printer specifically for its significant environmental benefits.

5. Uncoated Paper

Uncoated paper does not have a coating such as varnish or laminate applied to it after printing, making it a sustainable choice. There are no toxic chemicals or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released into the atmosphere during the manufacturing process, making it environmentally friendly. Additionally, uncoated paper is biodegradable and recyclable; making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to reduce their impact on the environment.           

Choose a Sustainable Printer for Your Business

As a small-medium business owner, it's important to be aware of the different sustainable printing methods and components available to you. There are plenty of options available that are cost effective and don’t sacrifice quality. implementing some, or even all of these sustainable printing practices will help your business operate more sustainably, now and into the future.

FUJIFILM Business Innovation’s office printers are one such sustainable way forward for small-medium businesses in printing. Our printers are designed to minimise waste and conserve resources. This produces less emissions than traditional printing methods. Our printers are also equipped with intelligent software that automatically adjusts the print settings to minimise ink and paper usage. 

Get in touch with our team to explore FUJIFILM Business Innovation’s office printers and start implementing sustainable printing solutions for your business today. Looking for other innovative solutions? Learn how digital transformation can propel your business forward with the adoption of digital technology.