Credit Reporting

credit reporting

Credit Reporting Policy

This Credit Reporting Policy covers the credit–related operations of FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 63 000 341 819) and its related bodies corporate (together, we, us or our).

This Credit Reporting Policy explains how we manage your credit information. Our handling of credit information is regulated by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code (Credit Reporting Code). 

We may provide products or services to you on credit (i.e. you will pay us for those products or services after we start providing them to you). We may conduct a credit check on you (or your directors, partners or other authorised representatives) before providing you products or services on credit. The Privacy Act and this Credit Reporting Policy apply to our handling of credit-related information of individuals.  

In this Credit Reporting Policy, a reference to "including" means including without limitation.

Section 1 - Relevant types of information

1.1      In this Credit Reporting Policy, “credit-related information” means “credit information” and “credit eligibility information”, as those terms are defined in the Privacy Act.

1.2      In general terms:

    1. your credit information is certain types of personal information (other than sensitive information) about you, including:
      1. identification information;
      2. consumer credit liability information;
      3. repayment history information;
      4. default information;
      5. payment information; and
      6. personal insolvency information 

    2. your credit eligibility information is credit reporting information disclosed to us by a credit reporting body, and personal information (other than sensitive information) about you that we derive from such information where the derived information has a bearing on your credit worthiness and that is, has been, or could be used in establishing your eligibility for consumer credit. 

Section 2 –Collection and holding of credit-related information

2.1      We collect the following kinds of credit information about you:

  1. identification information including your name, address, contact details, date of birth and gender;
  2. details about your credit history (including any repayments missed or late repayments that you have made);
  3. information about any credit providers that have also run a credit check on you;
  4. details of any credit–related court proceedings or insolvency applications that relate to you;
  5. information in any asset and liability statements, bank statements and mortgage statements that you give us; and
  6. information about property you own, including information available on property databases.

2.2     We collect the credit information from you or from third parties, including credit reporting bodies, other credit providers and property database providers.

2.3     We hold the following kinds of credit eligibility information: any credit rating or credit assessment score that we have derived or that is provided to us by a credit reporting body.

Section 3 - Our use and disclosure of your credit–related information

3.1      The credit–related information that we hold about you may be used and disclosed by us in accordance with Part IIIA of the Privacy Act and the Credit Reporting Code. We collect, hold, use and disclose credit-related information for the following purposes:

  1. to help us decide whether or not to provide credit to you (or to your related company or other entity), including to conduct our assessment of your creditworthiness;
  2. using your credit–related information to collect payments that are owed to us in respect of any products or services that we have previously supplied to you (or to your related company or other entity) on credit;
  3. disclosing your credit–related information to any of our related companies that are also are considering whether to provide credit to you (or to your related company or other entity), with your consent or otherwise in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act;
  4. where you have offered to guarantee credit that we have offered to provide to your related company or entity, to assess your suitability as a guarantor of that credit;
  5. disclosing your credit–related information to a third party that you or we ask to act as a guarantor of any credit provided to you, with your consent;
  6. using or disclosing your credit eligibility information where we believe on reasonable grounds that you have committed a serious credit infringement;
  7. disclosing your credit–related information to the credit reporting bodies in accordance with the Privacy Act, including to Equifax and Experian. Credit reporting bodies may include your information in reports provided to credit providers (such as us), to assist those credit providers in assessing your credit worthiness;
  8. disclosing your credit–related information to other third parties that provide services to us (or to you on our behalf). These might include debt collectors, credit management agencies and other third parties that process applications for credit made to us;
  9. disclosing your credit eligibility information to other credit providers which provide, or are considering providing, credit to you (or to your related company or other entity), with your consent or otherwise in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act;
  10. using and disclosing credit–related information that we hold about you to assess and respond to any access or correction requests that you make to us;
  11. where we are consulted by a credit reporting body or another credit provider about an access or correction request that you have made to those entities, to respond to that consultation request;
  12. where you complain to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner about our treatment of your credit–related information, to respond to that complaint and to seek legal or other professional advice in relation to your complaint;
  13. using and disclosing credit–related information that we hold about you as required by law or the order of a court/tribunal; and
  14. where you otherwise expressly consent to the use or disclosure.

Section 4 - Other matters relating to your credit–related information

4.1      Where required by law, we will make a written note (which may be kept in electronic form) of any use or disclosure that we make relating to your credit–related information.

4.2      If:

  1. you (or your related company or other entity) make an application for credit to us; or
  2. you offer to guarantee credit that we propose to provide to your related company or other entity,

    and we subsequently refuse your application or offer based on information provided to us by a credit reporting body about you, we will inform you of this and provide you with the name and contact details of that body and any other information required by law to be provided to you.

Section 5 - Security and quality of your credit–related information

5.1      We take reasonable steps to make sure that the credit–related information that we collect, use, hold and disclose about you is accurate, complete and up–to–date and (in relation to the purpose of our use or disclosure) is relevant to that purpose.

5.2      We store information in different ways, including in hardcopy and electronic form. We have implemented certain organisational controls to help us protect your credit–related information from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. These include implementing information technology security policies and systems and imposing access restrictions in relation to the credit–related information that we hold. Our employees and contractors are trained in the protection and appropriate use of your credit–related information and are also bound by confidentiality provisions that apply to their use of credit–related information.

5.3      We will take prompt actions to address any issues that come to our attention where an employee or contractor of ours may have breached the obligations imposed by the Privacy Act and this Credit Reporting Policy. However, to the extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for (and do not accept any liability for) the misuse of your credit–related information by unrelated third parties.

Section 6 - Access and correction of your credit–related information

6.1      You may request access to and correction of certain credit-related information as set out in this section. You can make such requests by using the contact details in the "How to contact us" section below.

6.2      To enable us to review and respond to requests in a timely manner, your request should contain the following details (as a minimum):

  1. your contact details (for example, full name and contact telephone number or email address);
  2. a description of the information you are requesting to access and/or correct;
  3. a date range of when you believe the information was provided to us;
  4. any details of how the information was provided to us originally (for example, if you completed an online competition entry form); and
  5. (where correction is required) details of the correction requested.

6.3      We may contact you for additional information if required (for example, to clarify your request, to confirm your identity etc). We will not charge you for making a request for access or correction, or for making any corrections to your credit–related information. However, we may in some circumstances charge a reasonable administrative fee to cover our costs of providing access to you.

6.4      Where we hold credit eligibility information about you, we will provide you with access to this information upon request, unless giving access would be unlawful, denying access is required or authorised by law or a court/tribunal order, or giving access would be likely to prejudice enforcement activities conducted by an enforcement body. We will provide access to you within a reasonable time of you making the request.  If we refuse your request for access in accordance with this Credit Reporting Policy, we will give you a written notice setting out:

  1. the reasons for refusal (to the extent it is reasonable for us to do so); and
  2. the steps you can take if you are not satisfied with our response. 

6.5      You also have a right to request that we correct personal information that is credit information or certain credit eligibility information if you believe that the personal information is inaccurate, out–of–date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading. If we are satisfied that the information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, we will take all steps as are reasonable to correct the information within 30 days of your request, or such longer period as you may agree.

6.6      If we cannot respond to your correction request without consulting with other credit providers or credit reporting bodies, we may consult with such bodies and these bodies are permitted by law to assist us in resolving your correction request.

6.7      If we correct your credit–related information, we will inform you, any parties that we consulted with in relation to the request, and, where practicable, each other credit provider and credit reporting body to which we have previously disclosed that information that we have corrected your information. Where we disclosed your credit–related information after you made a complaint but before it was resolved, we will tell the recipient that you have made such a complaint and we will subsequently inform that entity of the outcome of your correction request.

6.8      If we are independently satisfied that credit–related information that we hold about you is inaccurate, out–of–date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, we may decide to correct this information without consulting you. If we do this, we will take reasonable steps to notify that correction to you and to any other entities to which we have previously disclosed that credit–related information (unless it is impracticable for us to do so or we are required by Australian law or court/tribunal order not to give the notice).

6.9      If we refuse your request for correction, we will give you a written notice setting out:

a.       that the correction has not been made;

b.       our reasons for not correcting the information; and

c.        the steps you can take if you are not satisfied with our response.

Section 7 - Disclosure to entities that may not have an Australian link

7.1     We may disclose your personal information to entities that may not have an ‘Australian link’ because they are based overseas.  In the course of our ordinary business, recipients based overseas to whom we may disclose your credit–related information are based in Singapore.

Section 8 - Complaints

8.1      You have a right to complain about any failure by us to comply with the credit reporting provisions of the Privacy Act or the Credit Reporting Code.

8.2      If your complaint relates to our failure to provide access to or to correct any credit–related information that we hold about you following a request for access or correction, you may lodge a complaint directly with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (for more information, please see However, if you raise the complaint with us first using the details in the “How to contact us” section below, we may be able to resolve the complaint without you needing to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. 

8.3      If you have a complaint in relation to our handling of your credit–related information that is not related to our failure to provide access to or to correct any credit–related information that we hold about you, then you must first lodge your complaint with us using the details in the "How to contact us" section below and provide us with details of the incident so that we can review and/or investigate it.

8.4      Our procedure for investigating and dealing with complaints is as follows:

  1. complaints should be made in writing and submitted to us using the details under the "How to contact us" section below;
  2. we will treat your complaint confidentially. Our representative will review your complaint and contact you within a reasonable time after receipt of your complaint to discuss your complaint and the options available to you to resolve it;
  3. we will endeavour to make sure that your complaint is resolved within a reasonable time of receiving your complaint (and in any event within the time required by the Privacy Act, if applicable)

If you are not satisfied with our handling of your complaint or our proposed resolution, you have a right to lodge a further complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (for more information, please see

Section 9 – How to contact us

9.1      If you have any questions about this Credit Reporting Policy or if you have any concerns or a complaint regarding the treatment of your credit–related information, please use the contact form available through our website at contact our Privacy Officer using the details set out below.

9.2      Alternatively, you may contact our Privacy Officer using any of the methods specified below.

  1. Post: Attention: Privacy Officer
    FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia Pty Ltd
    Locked Bag 2051
    Macquarie Park NSW 2113
  2. Email:
  3. Tel: 02 9856 5000 (for general enquires only. Please submit access or correction requests and complaints in writing).

Section 10 - Changes to our Credit Reporting Policy

10.1    We may change this Credit Reporting Policy from time to time, including in order to comply with any future amendments to the Privacy Act, the Credit Reporting Code or related laws or regulations. Any updated versions of this Credit Reporting Policy will be effective from the date of posting on our website at

This Credit Reporting Policy was last updated on 31 January 2024.