Sustainability Policies and Guidance Note

Sustainability Policies and Guidance Note

Sustainability Policies and Guidance Note

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited strives to satisfy all stakeholders by offering products, services and solutions that are safe and kind to the society, environment and people. 


Targeting to transform risks into opportunities, we have developed and implemented an Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 14001 Standard with reference to other requirements related to business continuity and ethics, energy, environment, finance, human resources, information security, quality, occupational safety and health, social responsibility, climate change, etc. We have been the Business Innovation Partner in pioneering numerous technologies and accumulating expertise since our establishment in 1964, building an environment that encourages the use of one’s creativity by effectively adopting information and knowledge. Our portfolio includes conducting sales of world-class multifunction printers, production printers and IT solutions, as well as business process outsourcing services. We:


  1. Ensure compliance of law, regulations and other requirements including but not limited to business continuity and ethics, energy, environment, finance, human resources, information security, quality, occupational safety and health, social responsibility, climate change, etc.;
  2. Engage in energy/resource saving by promoting eco-conscious products, services and solutions to our customers and other stakeholders;
  3. Apply our professionalism to help customers achieve sustainability including proactive collection of used products and parts for reuse or recycle under our recycling system;
  4. Foster green, health, safe and kind workplace by promoting pollution prevention, energy reduction, occupational safety and health risk management, social contribution and biodiversity conservation;
  5. Execute sustainable procurement concepts that toward reducing impact to environment. Shark, ray and skate products shall not be consumed, traded, and promoted in our business operations or all company activities;
  6. Heighten our environmental and other social responsibility performances continuously by setting up objectives and targets as well as conducting periodical reviews; and
  7. Keep on encouraging our contractors and suppliers to improve their environmental, energy performance and other social responsibility performance as far as practicable.


We are committed to continual improvement of environmental performance. We will inculcate our Sustainability Policy in the consciousness of all employees, and make it readily available to stakeholders.



Alan Chan

Managing Director 

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited

1 June 2024

As part of our efforts to help protect the environment, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited implements an Environmental Management System in accordance with the ISO 14001 Standard.


In keeping with the intent of the Standard, we adhere to the attached Sustainability Policy, and we request you as our contractors or suppliers to minimize the impacts on your activities on the environment and to observe the following requirements in particular:


  • Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements including the following ordinances / regulations.
    - Air Pollution Control
    - Dangerous Goods
    - Noise Control
    - Ozone Layer Protection
    - Pesticides
    - Plant (Importation and Pest Control)
    - Waste Disposal
    - Water Pollution Control
    - Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Fire Precautions in Notifiable Workplaces) and (Dangerous Substances)
    - Fire Service (Installations and Equipment)

  • Control the use of materials and resources (e.g. electricity, fuel, chemicals, paper, etc.) to minimize consumption and wastage. Use environmental friendly alternatives where possible during daily operations. Reuse and recycle wherever possible.
  • Store and handle properly all materials/chemicals to prevent any spillage and leakage.
  • Ensure all solid waste is properly handled, stored and disposed of to avoid any spillage. All chemical waste should be handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.
  • Use legal fuel and regularly maintain all vehicles/vessels used for the purpose of conducting business with FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited and ensure that noise and air emissions are controlled.
  • Minimize all air emissions where practicable.
  • Use registered pesticides/insecticides for pest control.
  • Follow the instructions from our staff includes emergency preparedness and response (e.g. fire/chemical drill) when perform site work at our office locations.

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited strives to satisfy all stakeholders by offering products, services and solutions that are safe and kind to the society, environment and people.  

We actively take into consideration the full life cycle of all products and services we procured. With adopting ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement Guidelines, we aim to procure products and services with minimal or no adverse impacts to the environment. We have been the Business Innovation Partner in pioneering numerous technologies and accumulating expertise since our establishment in 1964, building an environment that encourages the use of one’s creativity by effectively adopting information and knowledge. Our portfolio includes conducting sales of world-class multifunction printers, production printers and IT solutions, as well as business process outsourcing services. We:

  1. Ensure compliance of law, regulations and other requirements including but not limited to business continuity and ethics, energy, environment, finance, human resources, information security, quality, occupational safety and health, social responsibility, etc.;
  2. Encourage the procurement of products and services that have comparatively less adverse or more beneficial impact on the environment and human health;
  3. Establish systems to record, assess and evaluate our suppliers’ environmental performance;
  4. Maintain an awareness of sustainability issues and good procurement practices;
  5. Include evaluation criteria on sustainability performance in tender selection process; 
  6. Provide information related to green procurement practices to facilitate staff in selection of suitable suppliers; and
  7. Promote awareness of environmental issues throughout the supply chain and encourage suppliers to improve their environmental, energy performance and other social responsibility performance as far as practicable.

We will inculcate our Sustainable Procurement Policy in the consciousness of all employees, and make it readily available to stakeholders. 

Alan Chan
Managing Director 
FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited
1 October 2023

The signing Organization is associated with the Forest Stewardship Council® A.C., Oaxaca, Mexico, or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates (hereinafter: FSC) by being either a member of or having a contractual relationship with FSC. Hereby the signing Organization explicitly states that it has read and understood the "Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC" as published under This policy stipulates FSC's position with regards to unacceptable activities by organizations and individuals which already are or would like to be associated with FSC as well as the mechanism for disassociation.


In light of the above, we explicitly agree currently and in the future, as long as the relationship with FSC exists, not to be directly or indirectly involved in the following unacceptable activities:


  1. Illegal logging or the trade in illegal wood or forest products.
  2. Violation of traditional and human rights in forestry operations.
  3. Destruction of high conservation values in forestry operations.
  4. Significant conversion of forests to plantations or non-forest use.
  5. Introduction of genetically modified organisms in forestry operations.
  6. Violation of any of the ILO Core Conventions as defined in the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

FSC license code: FSC-C019572

Alan Chan
Managing Director 
FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited
1 October 2023

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited strives to satisfy all stakeholders by offering products, services and solutions continuously that are safe and kind to the society, environment and people.   


Targeting to transform risks into opportunities, we have developed and implemented a Business Continuity Management System in accordance with ISO 22301 standard with reference to other requirements related to business continuity and ethics, energy, environment, finance, human resources, information security, quality, occupational safety and health, social responsibility, etc. We have been the Business Innovation Partner in pioneering numerous technologies and accumulating expertise since our establishment in 1964, building an environment that encourages the use of one’s creativity by effectively adopting information and knowledge. Our portfolio includes conducting sales of world-class multifunction printers, production printers and IT solutions, as well as business process outsourcing services. We:


  1. Ensure compliance of law, regulations and other requirements including but not limited to business continuity and ethics, energy, environment, finance, human resources, information security, quality, occupational safety and health, social responsibility, etc;

  2. Engage and mobilize our internal resource to achieve the objective of providing products, services and solutions to our customers and other stakeholders continuously;

  3. Apply our professionalism to achieve sustainability and continuity, including proactive management of the identified risks under business continuity management system;

  4. Establish a Risk Management Team to monitor the performance progress on the objectives and targets as well as conducting periodical reviews;

  5. Document, manage information and performance progress of business continuity management objectives and targets and communicate to stakeholders effectively;

  6. Review of its business continuity process and exercise on business continuity plan and monitor the review process, exercise results, benchmark the results, provide resources and support where necessary; and

  7. Improve the system to ensure the continuity of operation effectively.

We will inculcate our Business Continuity Management System Policy in the consciousness of all employees, and make it readily available to stakeholders.


Alan Chan
Managing Director 
FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited
1 October 2023

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited strives to satisfy all stakeholders by offering products, services and solutions that are safe and kind to the society, environment and people.

Targeting to transform risks into opportunities, we have developed and implemented an Information Security Management System in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001 with reference to other requirements related to business continuity and ethics, finance, human resources, information security, etc. We have been the Business Innovation Partner in pioneering numerous technologies and accumulating expertise since our establishment in 1964, building an environment that encourages the use of one’s creativity by effectively adopting information and knowledge. Our portfolio includes conducting sales of world-class multifunction printers, production printers and IT solutions, as well as business process outsourcing services. We:


  1. Ensure compliance of law, regulations and other requirements including but not limited to business continuity and ethics, finance, human resources, information security, etc.;

  2. Establish an Information Security Management Team to grasp business risks and changes in the risk environment and to establish and maintain response strategies as well as to conduct periodical reviews and updates on Information Security Management System;

  3. Prevent leakage, destruction, and illegal use of all information of our business and stakeholders and secure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information for daily operations;

  4. Provide education and training to our employees and carry out business while recognizing our responsibility to use and manage information assets appropriately; and

  5. Take appropriate measures in protecting information assets from threats such as accidents, hindrances, or improper activity that could lead to improper usage of assets, and in preventing information assets from being lost, damaged, altered, or divulged.

We will inculcate our Information Security Management Policy in the consciousness of all employees, and make it readily available to stakeholders.

Alan Chan
Managing Director
FUJIFILM Business Innovation Hong Kong Limited
1 October 2023