Transform and Go Beyond for a Better Hong Kong

Digital Transformation (DX) is gaining momentum worldwide. But is DX really helping your business to innovate? 

In a world of constant change, DX is no longer enough. In Hong Kong, where employees seek a hybrid working model, the supply chain is volatile, and stakeholders demand sustainability, enterprises must Transform and Go Beyond.

Technology is just a tool. To build a better Hong Kong, enterprises must change both the way people work and businesses operate. By embracing Smart Workstyle—a concept that comprises 3 technology enablers for DX including Hyperautomation, Total Experience, and Cybersecurity Mesh—enterprises can accelerate business success and propel innovation.

(From left to right) Jon Chung, Director, Sales, FUJIFILM BI HK; Tatsuya Nakamura, Managing Director, FUJIFILM BI HK; Lillian Cheong, JP, Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau; Hon. Duncan Chiu, Legislative Council Member, Functional Constituency - Technology and Innovation; and Alan Chan, Director, Marketing & Supply Chain Management, FUJIFILM BI HK celebrated the kick-off of FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

To help business and IT leaders to realize the vision of Smart Workstyle, we have recently gathered policymakers, technology experts, and business leaders in Hong Kong at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022. Renowned speakers and technology leaders took part in a series of panel discussions to explore the opportunities to go beyond transformation with Smart Workstyle and build a better Hong Kong.  

Tatsuya Nakamura, Managing Director, FUJIFILM BI HK (right) and Dr. Angela Ng, Academic Dean & Associate Director, The Hong Kong Management Association (left) digitally signed a contract in the metaverse at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022. 

Tatsuya Nakamura, Managing Director, FUJIFILM BI HK and Tim Bailey, Vice President of Global Sales, Red Data Technology who is overseas, digitally signed an agreement in the metaverse at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022. 

More than 200 executives joined the event and witnessed Hong Kong’s first-ever metaverse contract signing ceremony. Under the contract with The Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA), FUJIFILM BI HK will provide AI-powered Managed Security Service to enhance its cyber resilience. The agreement with Red Data Technology demonstrates a collaboration to explore public blockchains to tokenize digitally signed documents.

Tatsuya Nakamura, Managing Director, FUJIFILM BI HK delivered a welcome remarks at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022. 

To drive company transformation, it is not just about improving the current work process or improving the way employees work. Companies must re-engineer the current fragmented work process and transform the current workstyle to a seamless one no matter what time and no matter where you are.” 

Tatsuya Nakamura
ing Director, FUJIFILM BI HK

Lilian Cheong, JP, Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau, HKSAR Government delivered a keynote speech as an officiating guest at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

“To align with the Chinese National 14th Five-Year Plan, Hong Kong is enhancing its I&T ecosystem. We will attract high-quality enterprises and talents to Hong Kong with focus on four major areas: life and health technology, AI and data science, advanced manufacturing, and new energy technology. With specified roadmaps, concrete milestones, and targeted KPIs, Hong Kong will transform and go beyond re-industrialization.”

Lilian Cheong
JP, Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau

Hon Duncan Chiu, Legislative Council Member, Functional Constituency—Technology and Innovation delivered a keynote speech as an officiating guest at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022. 

“Technology innovation is always ahead of regulations development. With the rise of Web3, there will be disputes and confusion without clear rules and boundaries. If Hong Kong can catch up with its legal framework with technology innovation; if we can be the first in the world to provide clear guidelines in areas around IP rights, metaverse, and NFTs, we can provide an environment that nurtures innovation and protects the public. Our potential in I&T will be unlimited.” 

Hon Duncan Chiu
Legislative Council Member,
Functional Constituency—Technology and Innovation 

Smart Workstyle is the Next Frontier for Digital Transformation. Click here for the press release of FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

Highlights of Panel Discussions at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022

Innovation that Accelerates Business Success

Accelerates Business Success with Innovation NEVER STOP 


The pandemic has changed everything. It brings new meaning to speed and expectations in digital transformation (DX).


The accelerated pace of DX forced by the pandemic is showing no signs of slowing down, despite the revival of physical interactions and offline operations. A Gartner study indicated 94% of the global CEOs stated that their DX initiatives started during the pandemic are expected to continue or be accelerated in the upcoming years

Tatsuya Nakamura, Managing Director, FUJIFILM BI HK (third from the right) presented the certificates of appreciation to Dr. Lucas Hui, Chief Technology Officer, ASTRI (far left); Hon Duncan Chiu, Legislative Council Member, Functional Constituency—Technology and Innovation (second from the left); Wilfred Wah, Senior Principal, Cloud Value Advisory, Google Cloud Asia Pacific (second from the right); and Bong Chan, Technology, Media and Telecommunications Industry Leader, Southern Region Deloitte China (far right), for the support as a panelist in the panel discussion moderated by Alan Chan, Director, Marketing, FUJIFILM BI HK (third from the left).

With such ambitious growth in a competitive market, Hong Kong enterprises must not only embrace DX but must also excel and accelerate their DX success. In the panel discussion of Innovation that Accelerates Business Success, technology and IT leaders explored the newfound meaning of DX and the ways it brings innovation to businesses.

Hon Duncan Chiu, Legislative Council Member, Functional Constituency—Technology and Innovation shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

“The pandemic has opened many local businesses to accept new technologies and digital channels. It has also changed the way people live and work. Talents are not only demanding hybrid working, but they are also expecting the right tools to support it. Success in the post-pandemic will rely on how businesses retain and support talents with the right technologies.” 

Hon Duncan Chiu

Legislative Council Member, Functional Constituency—Technology and Innovation


Dr. Lucas Hui, Chief Technology Officer, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

“Innovation goes beyond digital transformation. Businesses with unique pain points may need home-grown technologies and patent-protected inventions to realize their digital strategiesAs Hong Kong’s R&D center, ASTRI is dedicated to helping enterprises to harness business opportunities from the thriving technology market to increase their competitive strengths.” 

Dr. Lucas Hui

Chief Technology OfficerASTRI


Bong Chan, Technology, Media and Telecommunications Industry Leader, Southern Region,Deloitte China shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

Digitalization has infiltrated all businesses. We at Deloitte have also transformed from supporting businesses with audit, corporate finance, and IPO services, into a technology enabler. Riding on our data and analytics expertise, we are helping businesses to understand their customers again, share those insights across the business and reposition themselves for the next wave of innovation.” 

Bong Chan

Technology Media and Telecommunications Industry Leader, Southern RegionDeloitte China 


Wilfred Wah, Senior Principal, Cloud Value Advisory, Google Cloud Asia Pacific shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022. 

Talent is the key to business success. To unlock their potential, businesses need a corporate culture and environment that nurtures innovation. This means providing a platform to foster collaboration, enabling knowledge discovery and data sharing, encouraging idea generation, and empowering an immersive experience to drive EX and CX. All these require the modernization of legacy systems to integrate the old and new systems to bring innovation into business reality.”

Wilfred Wah

Senior Principal Cloud Value Advisory, Google Cloud Asia Pacific 

Building Trusted Connections with Cybersecurity Mesh

Trust is the foundation of all digital businesses. With the rising number of digital channels to connect with customers and the workforce through multiple end-point devices, businesses are increasing their exposure to cyberattacks.

There are multiple cybersecurity products in the market tackling different challenges. From protecting the network and enforcing access management to enabling cloud security and detecting web application vulnerabilities, these products remain to work in silos and independently. An AI-powered security framework goes beyond fragmented security to establish trusted digital connections in this new digital world. 

Tatsuya Nakamura, Managing Director, FUJIFILM BI HK (second from the left) presented the certificates of appreciation to Frank Chow, Head of Cyber Security & HKCERT, Hong Kong Productivity Council (middle); Jenny Fong, Regional Director, Greater China, Global Business, Singtel Enterprise Business, Singtel (second from the right); and Patrick Yu, General Manager, FleishmanHillard Hong Kong Limited (far right), for the support as a panelist in the panel discussion moderated by Dr Jacky Ng, Principal Engineer, FUJIFILM BI HK (far left).

We invited renowned security experts to outline the approach to building a flexible, scalable, and reliable Cybersecurity Mesh that simplifies IT management and improves collaboration.

Frank Chow, Head of Cyber Security & HKCERT, HKPC shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

Funded by OGCIO, HKCERT offers early warning of cybersecurity attacks and support on security incidents responses. Our latest report indicates phishing attack has been on the rise in the past few quarters. Since risk and responsibilities of cyberattacks can never be transferredIT governance is important to monitor the performance of these security products and review your ongoing security posture.

Frank Chow

Head of Cyber Security & HKCERT, HKPC


Jenny Fong, Regional Director, Greater China, Global Business, Singtel Enterprise Business, Singtel shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

Cybersecurity Mesh is a concept that started a couple of years. The idea is to bring comprehensive protection by leveraging a tight integration across multiple technologies. The core technologies include a strong identity and access authentication to enforce access policies with precisions. The concept also takes advantage of APIs between different technologies to drive interoperability to allow consolidated management. This would help reduce error and drive consistency in security operations.” 

Jenny Fong

Regional Director, Greater China, Global Business, Singtel Enterprise Business, Singtel


Patrick Yu, General Manager, FleishmanHillard Hong Kong Limited shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

Don’t underestimate the impact of cybersecurity attacks. Employees are often the first line of defense. While education and awareness training should take priority, enterprises should always be prepared to respond to security incidents. Having a playbook with clear plans can help your business to respond and rebound faster from cyberattacks. Equally important are simulations and drills of these plans to continuously review and improve your playbook.”

Patrick Yu

General Manager, FleishmanHillard Hong Kong Limited

Optimizing Processes with Hyperautomation 

Help You Perform Everything Remarkably with Hyperautomation 



Hyperautomation has been one of Gartner’s top 10 strategic technologies for three consecutive years. It helps enterprises of all sizes to enhance business agility, efficiency, and decision-making. This explains why 85% of businesses are planning to invest or increase their investment in this area in the next 12 months, according to Gartner. 

At the recent FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022, our Hong Kong audience also showed a keen interest in hyperautomation. A live poll indicates 30% of the audience are still at the planning stage, but an equal percentage of the audience plan for three or more hyperautomation initiatives in the next 12 months.


Tatsuya Nakamura, Managing Director, FUJIFILM BI HK (second from the left) presented the certificates of appreciation to Wilson Oh, Channel Resell Director – Asia, DocuSign, Inc. (middle); Vincent Tong, Lead Solution Consultant of Greater China, Pegasystems Inc. (second from the right); and John Kwong, Chief Executive Officer, ParaDM Co., Ltd. (far right), for the support as a panelist in the panel discussion moderated by Tiffany Tang, Section Head, Solutions & Services Strategy, FUJIFILM BI HK (far left).

But what is the fastest and most cost-effective way to streamline workflow and integrate different automation tools? We gathered a panel of experts to share the latest innovation and best practices to put hyperautomation into reality.


Wilson Oh, Channel Resell Director – Asia, DocuSign, Inc. shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

“Hyperautomation can take business contracts to the execution level. As a pioneer in e-signature technology, we help businesses to integrate their signed contracts with different systems and automation tools. Our AI tools can review the contract terms, highlighting areas that require further negotiation. By integrating e-signature tools with different systems, we can turn the paper-based agreement into business processes, like triggering payment process automatically before deadlines.” 
Wilson Oh

Channel Resell Director – Asia, DocuSign, Inc. 



Vincent Tong, Lead Solution Consultant of Greater China, Pegasystems Inc. shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

“The major challenge to bring hyperautomation into reality is to identify the right area to automate. Business users often have the best understanding of business logic and processes. With the adoption of low-code platforms, they can be citizen developers to build automation tools between systems, optimize workflow, and extend the use of hyperautomation. It allows enterprises to capture the benefit of HYPER—Help You Perform Everything Remarkably.”

Vincent Tong

Lead Solution Consultant of Greater China, Pegasystems Inc.


Optimizing Processes with Hyperautomation

John Kwong, Chief Executive Officer, ParaDM Co., Ltd. shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022. 

“Choosing the right project for automation is halfway to success. Automation is often applied in mission-critical systems, singling out employees that involve in those systems to enjoy a streamlined workflow and creating a negative employee experience (EX) for many. We have all realized the importance of EX to the success of your organization. With the rising maturity of hyperautomation, enterprises should expand the use of automation to replace repetitive and tedious tasks for all employees.

John Kwong

Chief Executive Officer, ParaDM Co., Ltd.

Delivering a Total Experience with Unified Communications

The Art and Science of Delivering Total Experience 


Total Experience is one of Gartner’s top 10 strategic technologies. While many recognize the importance of customer experience (CX) and the value of employee experience (EX) to business success, not many understand the inter-relations between CX, EX, user experience (UX), and multi-experience (MX). 

This goes beyond linking disconnected digital systems and manual interventions. The integration between CX, EX, UX, and MX is the basis of Total Experience. It redefines business excellence and memorable experiences.

Tatsuya Nakamura, Managing Director, FUJIFILM BI HK (second from the left) presented the certificates of appreciation to Carlos Chang, Operations & Customer Excellence Director, Bupa (Asia) (second from the right); Louis Mah, Director of Information Technology, Maxim's Group (far right); and Alan Chan, Director, DX & DME, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Adobe (middle), for the support as a panelist in the panel discussion moderated by Norris Chan, General Manager, Consultancy, FUJIFILM BI HK (far left).

We invited IT executives and technology leaders to share the art to drive customer satisfaction, and the science to enable straight-through processing (STP) through Total Experience. 

Carlos Chang, Operations & Customer Excellence Director, Bupa (Asia) shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

Every month, Bupa handles tens of thousands of customer inquiries and hundreds of thousands of claim applications. Every interaction counts in driving excellent CX. Yet, a true EX must start with employee experience (EX). We need to deliver great EX to translate that into excellent CX. Therefore, the year-end bonus for each employee relies heavily on our customer satisfaction scores. This demonstrates delivering excellent CX is a role shared by every single employee.”

Carlos Chang

Operations & Customer Excellence Director, Bupa (Asia) 


Louis Mah, Director of Information Technology, Maxim's Group shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

“From focusing on delivering excellent dining experiences, the F&B industry shifted to enabling online ordering and delivery. Our biggest challenge is to empower our customer-facing employees from a wide range of age groups and digital experience to quickly learn these new tools. The sooner they can navigate these tools, the better they can serve our diners. The EX in using these digital tools is truly a reflection of our level of CX.” 
Louis Mah

Director of Information Technology, Maxim's Group 


Alan Chan, Director, DX & DME, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Adobe shared insights during panel discussion at the FUJIFILM Business Innovation Day 2022.

“Delivering total experience is a combination of art and science. Creating attractive content and meaningful messages is an art. Meanwhile, we need a scientific model to optimize the best time and channel to deliver this content to the targeted audience for a memorable experience. Businesses need tools to develop meaningful content and to deliver them to the right crowd, at the right time through the right channels by leveraging data analytics.” 

Alan Chan

Director, DX & DME, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Adobe


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