Free Up Your Employees' Time With Process Automation

Is your business bogged down by slow, manual processes? If you're looking for a way to speed things up and optimise resources, look no further than process automation. FUJIFILM BI HK discusses what process automation is and how it can benefit your business. Keep reading to learn more.

What is Process Automation?

Process automation is the use of intelligent system to handle repetitive, rules-based work. It can be used to automate any process that is currently being done manually, such as data entry, claims processing, or auditing. The advantage of intelligent automation is that it can eliminate human error and speed up workflows. In addition, intelligent automation can often be used to improve the quality of data by ensuring that it is entered accurately and consistently. Intelligent process automation can be used in a wide variety of industries and business functions, including accounts, human resources, and customer relationship management.

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a type of process automation that uses software 'bots' to mimic human actions. It can be used for tasks such as data entry, form filling, and email response. Unlike traditional process automation, robotic process automation does not require any specific coding knowledge. As a result, it can be used to automate processes quickly and with minimal IT support. Aside from the ease of implementation, robotic process automation applications can offer significant benefits for businesses, including increased efficiency and accuracy, improved operations, and reduced costs. For example, with an easy-to-deploy enterprise content management solution, businesses can implement a single, collaborative platform quickly with minimal upfront costs and no disruption to the current processes. Furthermore, no additional hardware, software and maintenance costs are required for deployment and daily usage — all that’s needed is a web browser and internet connection.

Top 4 Challenges that Process Automation can Solve

1. Slow Processing Speed

One of the biggest benefits of process automation is that it can help to eliminate bottlenecks and speed things up. For example, when employees are processing invoices, they can face challenges like vendors submitting invoices in various formats, like physical paper copy, email, and PDF. With RPA, employees no longer have to manually transfer invoice data from different sources to process. This in turn can improve workflows. If your business is struggling due to slow processing speeds, process automation may be the solution you've been looking for.

2. Difficult Data Retrieval

A common issue that businesses face is difficulties in retrieving data. Often invoices and related data are stored manually. When there’s a need to retrieve this information, such as for audits or vendor inquiries, the manual model of operations is slow and inefficient. With RPA, employees can find information quickly, freeing up their time to focus on more pertinent tasks.

3. Lack of Optimisation

Lack of workflow efficiency is also another challenge that businesses face. When processes are manual, it's often difficult to see where there is room for improvement. Employees perform the same tasks daily, without frequently reviewing, and generating insights and strategies into their workflow improvement. However, with process automation, businesses can gain insights into their workflow so they can make necessary changes to optimise their processes.

4. Risk of Human Error

One of the biggest challenges that businesses face is the risk of human error. When employees are manually completing tasks, there is always a chance for errors to occur. Checking for these errors requires extra effort and time, and they may not always be spotted. However, by automating these tasks, businesses can ensure greater accuracy and avoid potentially costly mistakes.

Streamline Your Business with FUJIFILM BI HK

In this new normal era, enterprises have had to adapt to overhauls of work processes. This transition would have seen friction in daily operations, which RPA and process automation can help resolve. FUJIFILM BI HK’s Smart Workstyle provides cutting-edge technology solutions to make the transformation process smoother while advancing productivity, efficiency and bringing down cost.

Businesses had to get used to operating from outside the office. Work online anywhere, anytime with access to company data and connect with colleagues and clients with the technology solutions like DocuSign eSignature, DocuSign CLM, DocuWorks, Document Collaboration Platform, Dokmee Capture Solution, and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. Other Smart Workstyle solutions like Document Innovation, Information Management, Zero Trust and Cybersecurity, and Process Automation come together to seamlessly improve work processes and operations.

If your business is struggling with manual, repetitive tasks and bloated processes that are weighing down your operations and ultimately your business growth, consider process automation as a possible solution to start with. Process automation improves efficiency and accuracy while freeing up your employees' time so they can focus on more strategic tasks. To learn more about process automation and Smart Workstyle to find a solution that's right for your business, speak to us today.