Too much time is spent looking for documents

According to IDC1, workers are spending up to 30% of their workday searching for information. These wasted hours stem from how documents are scattered across different systems, emails, folders and even within physical documents. Daily operations are further delayed and fragmented when organisations continue to rely on paper approvals and manual processes.


Difficulty in looking for information workers need, which are scattered across data pools


Reduced productivity with unnecessary hours devoted to searching for the right documents

paper stack

Decreased quality standards from messy document trails and file-naming conventions

Manage documents efficiently and securely

Facilitate your document lifecycle with document workflow that ensure smooth capture, sharing, and storage of your documents.

server stack

Digitise, store, manage, and secure business-critical information


Digitalise key business processes and workflows


Increase productivity by ensuring documents are easily accessible and searchable

1 IDC, ”The High Cost of Not Finding Information”

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