Towards a Sustainable Future

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Towards a Sustainable Future


As part of the Fujifilm Group, we have incorporated the Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP 2030) in August 2017. The new plan sets the long-term goal for FY2030, which is expected to lay the foundations of the Group’s business management strategies for sustainable growth. Under SVP 2030, the Fujifilm Group will introduce further measures to resolve social issues through our business activities, including the launch of innovative technologies, products and services, in our aim to develop a company that can greatly contribute to creating a sustainable society.


Sustainability Plan

SVP 2030 and Focus Areas

Characteristics of SVP 2030

  • Establishment of long-term goals (FY2030)
    • To become a corporation that promotes social revolution through innovation involving all employees and action on social issues from a long-term perspective.
    • 2030 was set as the target year for goals which is the base year for international social issues (Paris Agreement and SDGs).
  • Numerical targets for FY2030 defined for global environmental issues
  • 15 priority issues established in the four areas of the environment, health, daily life, work style, and adding supply chain and governance
    • Priority areas redefined with attention both to "solving social issues through business activities" and "reducing the negative impact of our business activities".
    • With society and customers demanding that as a global corporation we enhance our management of the entire supply chain from the viewpoint of CSR, "supply chain" has been established as a priority area.
    • "Governance" has been added as a priority area to further disseminate an open, fair and clear corporate culture.

Sustainability Plan


For more than three decades, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Singapore has been part of the community, and the community has been a big part of FUJIFILM Business Innovation Singapore. It is our goal to become a long-term investor of the community in which we operate.

We strive to maximise our commitment to community development by engaging our employees, who have participated in various volunteering initiatives and fundraising projects to support the less privileged, the marginalised groups, and those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

With a strong commitment towards building a sustainable future, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Singapore will never stop in our efforts to create value and enrich lives – for a better world.

CSR Activities at a Glance

We are grateful to be given the opportunity to participate in The Boys' Brigade in Singapore's Share-A-Gift project. A national community service project, it promotes the spirit of caring and sharing among Singaporeans during the Christmas season.

Last December, the FBSG Team consisting of volunteers, CEO and General Manager of People, Culture & CSR went door to door to distribute over 100 hampers containing of food essentials (rice, instant packet drinks and canned food) to 53 elderly beneficiaries living in rental flats.

This Chinese New Year, we participated in ItsRainingRaincoats’ (IRR) collection drive where employees from Fujifilm Business Innovation Singapore and Fujifilm Business Innovation Asia Pacific donated pre-loved clothes, daily essentials and food items to support IRR Free Bazaar. This heart-warming community initiative brought festive cheer and social integration among races as migrant workers had a good time interacting with volunteers at the activity booths and adopting donated items.

These are unprecedented times and we recognise the hardship that COVID-19 has caused for many, especially the frail elderly. As part of our commitment to help the community at the start of the Covid pandemic, we’ve partnered with TOUCH Community Services to take part in its Meals-On-Wheels programme. Rain or shine, we are thankful for our team of 21 volunteers and their family members, who delivered 255 meals over a period of 2 days to the doorsteps of the vulnerable elderly. Employees were also rallied to support the needs of low-income families and vulnerable seniors by donating to the TOUCH Emergency Relief Fund.