Social Media Policy

social media policy

Social Media Policy

Purpose of Setting a Social Media Policy

FUJIFILM Business Innovation provides a social media policy to ensure quality communication with customers using social media and to improve our business activities.

Approach to Information Transmission
FUJIFILM Business Innovation will engage in communication with customers with an approach to transparent and consistent information transmission.

Attitude for Participation in Social Media

FUJIFILM Business Innovation:

1. Understands that social media is a place where customers take the lead in communications.
2. A
ims to properly understand the features of social media and utilise it effectively.
3. A
ims to improve our business activities by developing an attitude to listen to the "voices" of customers in social media.
4. W
ill be responsible for the content we publish and will take care not to provide misleading information

Respect for Employees' Communication in Social Media

FUJIFILM Business Innovation:

1. Understands that participation in social media improves our business activities.
2. W
ill communicate in social media observing the company’s general guidelines.

Personal Information Practices

When requesting personal information from customers, FUJIFILM Business Innovation will provide an explanation for the request. The personal information collected is strictly controlled according to FUJIFILM Business Innovation's privacy policy.

FUJIFILM Business Innovation's privacy policy.


Publication Content and Correspondence

Product information and messages to our customers are published through FUJIFILM Business Innovation's official accounts. FUJIFILM Business Innovation ensures we will go through all inquiries and opinions obtained through social media, however, please understand that we may not be able to respond quickly or reply to all opinions.

We have following consultation service for general inquiries and inquires regarding our products and services. Please contact the respective consultation number if you wish a reply to your inquiry.

Please write to us on your inquiry.


Please be careful with account names that resemble FUJIFILM Business Innovation's official accounts. Current official accounts in Singapore are listed below:

FUJIFILM Business Innovation official YouTube global channel:
FUJIFILM Business Innovation official Facebook Account: 
FUJIFILM Business Innovation official LinkedIn Account:


The opinions and behavior of FUJIFILM Business Innovation's employees in social media may differ with FUJIFILM Business Innovation's official view. Also, when necessary and using appropriate means, FUJIFILM Business Innovation saves a log of social media activities, including posts and comments exchanged with customers. The log is only used to improve our services and is not disclosed to any third party.