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China (FUJIFILM Eco-Manufacturing Corp. In Suzhou)

An example : Carbon neutrality achieved through use of renewable energy at a recycling center.

  • * Zero CO2 emissions from manufacturing (Scope 1 and 2)

FUJIFILM Eco-Manufacturing (Suzhou) Corp., a reuse and recycling center for multifunctional printers, achieved carbon neutrality in 2022 by switching to renewable energy sources.

Specifically, solar panels were installed on approximately 8,000 square meters of the building rooftop. The installation covers approximately 60% of the facility’s power needs. The remaining 40% is covered by the purchase of power under a Renewable Energy Certificates model, a carbon offsetting model that involves the issuance of environmental value certificates for power generated from renewable energy sources.

FUJIFILM Eco-Manufacturing (Suzhou) Corp. estimates that the solar panels and certificates are able to reduce CO2 emissions by 588 tons annually.

Building lined with solar panels

Solar panels installed on the rooftops

Workers checking a dismantled multifunction machine.

On-site recycling of multifunctional printers