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Video Processors / Light Source
Endoscope systems utilize lighting control and image processing technologies developed in medical field.
7000 System
Endoscope system with diagnosis and usability contains the light source which features high-intensity 4 LED lights.
6000 System
Multi-LED Endoscope System.
High-definition images and superior functions for advanced endoscopic diagnosis and treatment.
Endoscopy Support Program
A variety of flexible scopes for fully utilizing the performance of Fujifilm endoscope systems.
Upper G.I. tract scope line up with various features.
Lower G.I. tract scope line up support wide range of examinations and treatments.
A duodenoscope which supports efficient ERCP with less stress.
Double Balloon Endoscopies
FUJIFILM's original Double Balloon supports insertion into the digestive tract.
Bronchoscope with high resolution imaging and great operability.
ENT Series
Fujifilm’s Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Series scopes enhanced observation, diagnosis and treatment.
Endoscopic Ultrasound
Next-generation system with high resolution image and endoscopic performance.
FUJIFILM has been marketing endoscopic accessories taking advantage of its cutting-edge technology and extended its accessories range with the collaboration with Medwork to supply the total solution for basic and advanced GI treatments.
ESD Devices
ESD (Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection) is seen as treatment with little physical burden on the patient. Various treatment tools for assisting safe and comfortable ESD.
Fujifilm Medwork
FUJIFILM has extended its accessories range with the collaboration with Medwork to supply the total solution for basic and advanced GI treatments.
Peripheral Devices
Peripherals with easy operation support endoscopic examinations and treatments.
CO2 Regulator
Enhance endoscopic examination and treatment experience with our GW-100 stable CO2 supply.
Balloon Control Unit
Balloon pressure can be regulated at specified levels, and inflation and deflation can be controlled during the procedure.
Water Irrigation System
Compact water pump with fine drainage performance.
Easy adjustment of flow rate is also available.
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