Production Remote Services


Production Remote Services

Production Remote Services is a cutting edge service which ensures that you get maximum uptime from your FUJIFILM Business Innovation digital press. That’s why we have thought of everything to ensure that your digital press keeps working the way you expect it to. We are going even further to ensure you enjoy perfect peace of mind with FUJIFILM Business Innovation.

With Production Remote Services, we are taking the idea of service to a whole new level. By connecting you online to FUJIFILM Business Innovation using just your existing infrastructure, we can keep tabs on your digital press to know what’s going on at anytime and when something needs to be done. It’s as if our whole service team is always there with you, even when they are not!

Prognostic Analysis

There’s no better way to fix a problem, than by preventing it in the first place. Using data log sent online from your digital press, our engineers can provide quick and accurate prognosis of any likely problem and nip it in the bud by sending field personnel to provide the required service or maintenance. Effectively pre-empting a problem, means doing away with all the downtime that it would bring in its wake.

Security Guaranteed

The security of your business information is fully protected when you make use of any of our remote services. All communication between your digital press and FUJIFILM Business Innovation uses SOAP over an encrypted HTTPS (SSL) link and can only be initiated by you, never by us.

Benefits that you will enjoy:

  • Real time updates
  • Proactive Monitoring
  • Constant update and improvements
  • Optimizing your performance