Is Recycled or Environmentally Certified Paper More Sustainable?

Every choice we make, even the seemingly small ones, can have a significant impact on the sustainability of our planet. For businesses, one such choice is the paper we use. When it comes to selecting paper for printing, two options stand out: recycled paper and environmentally certified paper by organisations such as the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)

Let’s explore the key differences between these paper types and understand why choosing environmentally certified paper ultimately is better for businesses than recycled paper.

Recycled Paper: A Second Chance for Trees

Recycled paper is created from post-consumer waste, diverting materials from landfills and reducing the need for virgin tree pulp. While it's a step in the right direction, recycled paper still has some drawbacks:

  1. Quality Concerns: Recycled paper often lacks the brightness and smoothness of virgin paper, making it less suitable for high-quality printing.
  2. Limited Cycles: Paper can only be recycled a certain number of times before its fibers become too short to use. This limits its long-term sustainability.
  3. Energy Intensive: Recycling paper requires a considerable amount of energy, potentially leading to higher carbon emissions.

Environmentally Certified Papers: The Gold Standard

Environmental certification programs like FSC address the shortcomings of recycled paper while providing several benefits:

  1. Sustainable Sourcing: FSC ensure that paper comes from responsibly managed forests, promoting reforestation and biodiversity conservation.
  2. Quality Assurance: Environmentally certified papers maintain high printing quality, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, from brochures to packaging.
  3. Traceability: These certifications provide a transparent supply chain, allowing consumers to trace the paper’s origin and verify its sustainability claims.
  4. Global Impact: FSC offer internationally harmonised standards for sustainable forestry, contributing to a global effort to combat deforestation and promote responsible forestry practices.

FUJIFILM Business Innovation's Commitment to Sustainability

FUJIFILM Business Innovation, as a global leader in imaging and printing solutions, understands the equal importance of high-quality paper and sustainability. We have taken several initiatives to promote environmentally certified papers and reduce their ecological footprint:

  1. Paper Selection: We prioritise FSC-certified papers in our product offerings, giving customers access to sustainable choices.
  2. Sustainability Partnerships: FUJIFILM Business Innovation collaborates with like-minded partners to promote responsible printing practices and raise awareness about the benefits of certified papers.

Choose FUJIFILM Business Innovation FSC-certified Paper for Sustainable Printing

By choosing our environmentally certified papers and printing solutions, you not only benefit from high-quality printing but also reduce your impact on the environmental. Here are some compelling reasons to opt for FUJIFILM Business Innovation:

  1. Proven Track Record: We have a strong track record of sustainability initiatives and a commitment to reducing our environmental impact.
  2. Wide Range of Choices: We offer a wide selection of FSC-certified papers, ensuring there's an eco-friendly option for every printing need.
  3. Quality and Performance: You don't have to compromise on print quality or performance when choosing our papers.
  4. Environmental Responsibility: By supporting our efforts, you become a part of a global movement towards responsible consumption and production.

Choosing between recycled paper and environmentally certified papers is a decision that directly impacts the environment. While recycled paper offers some sustainability benefits, it falls short in terms of quality and long-term viability. On the other hand, environmentally certified papers like FSC not only guarantee sustainability but also maintain high printing standards.

Make the choice for sustainability and quality—choose FUJIFILM Business Innovation for your printing needs, and together, let's create a greener future.

Build an eco-friendly office and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future. Choose FUJIFILM Business Innovation Paper for sustainable, high-quality FSC-certified paper.
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