AI and Today’s Workplace: A New Frontier

As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) proliferates in and outside the workplace, there are growing fears among the workforce that AI may take over human jobs.

AI’s application in everyday workflows may be new, but it has been in use behind the scenes more and earlier than we realise. AI is found not only in applications and digital services but has also become a vital component in the office, through autocorrect features in word processors, spam filtering on email platforms, and even equipment software.

AI’s integration into the workplace was further accelerated by the 2020 pandemic, helping to not only raise productivity and transform the way we work, but also revolutionise how we optimise and personalise customer experience.

How AI is Changing the Way We Work

Artificial Intelligence has the power to disrupt and transform the way we work and has already cemented itself in industries such as Banking and Finance. Here’s how AI is empowering today’s digital workplace:

AI in Finance

In an industry like Banking and Finance where accuracy is everything, AI has become an indispensable part of the workplace.

AI has enabled automation, increasing efficiency and accuracy, and lowering costs by replacing manual paper-based processes. Many companies have started automating their accounts payable (AP) process. Invoices are now scanned through OCR (optical character recognition), with AI analysing their contents and automating the data management processes thereafter.

AI has largely taken over tedious and manual processes once assigned to human employees and have made AP processing faster, easier, and more accurate. With AI-driven data capture, touchless processing, automated sorting, and electronic workflow capabilities, workers can focus on higher value tasks such as reviewing and approving the processes, and managing the business’ cash flow. 

AI in Maintenance Support

AI can support operational excellence by contributing toward predictive maintenance, improved diagnostics and fault detection, and automated reports to support specialists who can then take necessary action. This can help to accelerate resolution response time of technical support staff.

AI can also make it possible for companies to offer round-the-clock tech support with remote monitoring and troubleshooting, prescriptive maintenance recommendations, providing meaningful answers, enhanced and improved over time by machine learning.

AI for Print Service Providers

AI technologies have transformed the production print industry, with recommendations on colour matching, paper alignment, document layouts, and standardised pre-press and print processes.

AI is also used to scan for image quality and can make corrections on effects such as backlit exposure and problems with contrast. Yet this does not downplay the human aspect to print management, as workers can now focus on quality control optimisation and business skills development.

AI for brand owners

The marketing industry has seen exponential growth in customisation and personalisation of collaterals based on customer data. Variable data and versioning techniques are now regarded as the norm. AI manages massive amounts of information from an ever-growing pool of customers and data, allowing business owners to reach highly targeted customer segments with uniquely relevant marketing messages, at the best time, via the best channel for the respective audience.

AI and the Future of Work: A Winning Formula

Many businesses are already reaping the benefits of AI. Several industries have enjoyed large leaps in performance and outputs since training their workforce to use AI and leverage the technology for content generation, predictive analytics, workflow automation, and more.

Workplaces that have successfully integrated AI technologies are set to see increased efficiency, improved customer retention, and greater customer satisfaction. With the demand for automation increasing, AI will continue to allow businesses to scale production, grow and deliver more value using less time and fewer resources. While AI takes over certain aspects of a human role, it also provides new opportunities to develop other skills.

Unlock your business potential with AI

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Singapore can partner you in your AI-driven Digital Transformation (DX) journey from configuring your AI-integrated Digital Workplace to implementing and managing AI-powered Data Management and Workflow Automation technologies.

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