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CSR Policies

The Fujifilm Group’s business originated with motion picture photographic film, a product for which lots of clean water and fresh air are essential to the manufacturing process. It is also a product which requires customers to “buy on trust,” since they cannot try it out beforehand. Thus, for the Fujifilm Group, an approach which emphasizes environmental conservation and maintaining the trust of stakeholders has been a major premise at the very foundations of our business activities. This approach is the starting point for our corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and continues to be passed down within our Group, as the Fujifilm Group’s “DNA.”

The Fujifilm Group's Approach to CSR

The Fujifilm Group’s approach to corporate social responsibility is to contribute to the sustainable development of society through sincere and fair business activities.

We will not only fulfill our economic and legal responsibilities, but also:

  1. endeavor to understand global as well as local environmental and social issues and create value to address these issues through our business activities.
  2. continue to evaluate the environmental and social impact of our business activities and strive to improve the performance while increasing our positive impact on society.
  3. constantly reassess whether our activities are responding adequately to the demands and expectations of society through proactive stakeholder engagement with our stakeholders.
  4. enhance corporate transparency by actively disclosing information.
Our approach to achieving a sustainable society

CSR plan

The Fujifilm Group has drawn up its Sustainable Value Plan 2030 (SVP2030) as a CSR plan specifying targets for the FY2030 as its goal, which is expected to lay the foundations of the Group’s business management strategies for sustainable growth. Under this plan, the Fujifilm Group will introduce further measures to resolve social issues through our business activities, including the launch of innovative technologies, products and services, in our aim to develop into a company that can make a greater contribution to creating a sustainable society.

Conceptual Diagram of Sustainable Value Plan 2030

Sustainable Value Plan 2030

CSR Activity Report

Introductions for the CSR activities of the Fujifilm Group. Environment, health, daily life, work style, supply chain, and governance details can be viewed by clicking each icon.

Sustainability Report

Please find the latest version and back numbers of the Sustainability Reports on the FUJIFILM Holdings website.


SCIP Declaration - Article 33 information
Substances of very high concern in articles as such or in complex articles

We understand the importance of complying with European Chemical Agency (ECHA) requirements. As such, we want to emphasize to you that FUJIFILM Europe is continuously reviewing and gathering all essential information by communicating regularly with our manufacturer partners on changes in the status of their components as it relates to applicable European Union restrictions or directives.

In accordance with Article 33 of REACH, we are obliged to communicate information on substances in articles, if one or more of the substances contained in our products published exceeds the concentration of 0,1 % weight by weight (w/w).

The ECHA, through its updated Waste Framework Directive, is building a database on articles and complex articles that contain substances of very high concern (SVHCs). The goals of this directive are waste prevention, reduction of hazardous materials and products, and support of circularity in the economy. There will be communication on articles containing candidate list substances through the supply chain.

FUJIFILM Europe actively monitors provisions of ECHA requirements to declare substances of very hiyh concern in articles greater than 0.1% for affected goods that we distribute inside the EU market. 
In addition, we will provide the necessary information in a timely manner for proper management of environmental compliance in the supply chain.

For more information on the SCIP database, please visit:

The Candidate List will be regularly updated by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) and is published at the following website:

We are in constant dialogue with our suppliers in order to gather further information.

Designated contact within the EU for REACH, Article 33 is as follows:
Compliance QA/RA & Environment, Corporate Division

Designated contact within the EU for REACH, Registration and Notification (incl. SCIP notification) is as follows:
Compliance QA/RA & Environment, Corporate Division

This conformity is based on information from our suppliers. Although we consider these to be reliable and we do not take over any liability for the correctness and completeness of the offered information. 


FUJIFILM is here to listen - If you would like to report any kind of misconduct, please go to Fujifilm's Reporting Channel.

Fujifilm Europe Supplier Code of Conduct

The Fujifilm Europe Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the fundamental social, environmental and ethical standards we expect our suppliers to meet with regard to business integrity, respect for human rights and protection of the environment.