How Secure Is Your Business? Uncover Essential IT Solutions

Businesses of every size are looking to automate their operations and workflows to compete in the digital economy. To do this, first they must digitalise all paper-based data, only then can they capitalise on robotic process automation and artificial intelligence. Regardless of your stage of digital transformation (DX) maturity, you are probably handling a lot of digital information. To protect your data and prevent your digital workflows from being privy to cybercriminals, you must invest in building IT resilience.

Cybersecurity Challenges

In 2022, 59% of businesses experienced cyberattacks or data leaks. Industries like manufacturing, finance, and insurance faced ransomware, phishing, and password attacks. What are these cyberattacks?

  • Ransomware is a malicious software. It threatens to block or expose sensitive information unless the target pays a ransom.
  • Phishing is a form of malicious fraud. Here, hackers pretend to be trustworthy entities to get sensitive information.
  • A password attack hacks into accounts by guessing or figuring out passwords. Hackers can do this by using software or manipulating users to reveal their passwords.

Today, 70% of companies worry about data loss. Another 49% worry about intellectual property theft and 29% worry about regulatory penalties related to cyber-attacks. 

To protect your data, you need reliable and hassle-free IT support solutions. Learn how to improve your cyber defence and more by downloading our ebook.

Download Data and Security ebook

The Data Security Gap

As the business owner or a small or medium business (SMB) your primary focus is to keep the business running smoothly. This often involves wearing many hats. Sometimes, one of these hats concerns IT support, whether connecting a new employee to your office network, or troubleshooting your employees' IT- or device-related problems.

However, IT and data protection concerns should be handled by IT professionals with experience in standard security protocols and procedures. Not only does this free up your time to focus on your core business goals, but it also gives you peace of mind knowing that your business is protected and less vulnerable to attacks.

While you could add to your headcount by hiring an IT professional, the cost of IT talent continues to rise.

This rising cost makes it even more difficult for 59% of small and medium businesses (SMBs) to get the IT and security support they need to do business in the digital economy. Given limited resources and security measures, SMBs often become easy targets for cybercriminals.

Meet Your Growing Security Needs

Here are three solutions to enhance your IT security with minimal upfront investments.

Solution #1: A Digital Workplace in the Cloud

Bring your business to the cloud with secured digital platforms and services that come with built in security features. This is a 1st level of defence to keep your data protected and minimises the risks of data misplacement or theft from physical storage devices.

Cloud services come with advanced encryption methods. This means that data remains in the right hands. You can also add an extra layer of log-in security. This helps ensure that only authorised personnel can access sensitive company data.

With cloud integration, employees can pull up business data securely from any location, at any time. For example, a business representative with access to your cloud-based document-handling applications can pull up and share information on the go. This ensures the team can collaborate seamlessly.

Solution #2: 24/7 Outsourced IT Services

Cut the overhead costs of an in-house IT team with managed IT services. These services reflect as a business expense rather than an asset, allowing you to monitor, track, and scale IT services according to your needs.

With managed IT services, IT experts monitor your system, helping identify and address issues that may impact your business efficiency. They manage everyday IT support, from daily IT maintenance to major system breakdowns, so you can focus on what really matters—driving your business forward.

Outsourced IT support can secure sensitive customer information 24/7, offers constant protection against cyber threats and reduces downtime when resolving issues. With our team of experienced IT experts, you have a trusted partner ready to assist you and take away the hassle out of IT operations management.

Solution #3: Small Office Network Security

Print documents carry potential risks to data security. They might end up in the wrong hands if you forget to collect them from the printer or they might be stored in an unprotected environment that everyone can access. Solutions for secure document management can establish greater control over which print documents go around the workplace, ensuring data confidentiality.

On the other hand, solutions for network printer security can reduce the risks of unintended data exposure through printer management. With authentication mechanisms, only authorised personnel can access and print essential documents.

Strengthen Your Data Security Stance

Today, data is at the heart of business operations. Data breaches can tarnish your reputation and break the trust you built with your customers. Prioritise a security-first approach early on for greater peace of mind.

Get reliable IT support solutions that blend cutting-edge technology with IT expertise. Contact us today to learn more about our approach to business innovation.