5 steps to embracing mobility

These days, mobility is no longer an option. IT managers across industries understand the need to transcend traditional ways of working by embracing the latest mobile technologies. However, this comes with complex challenges such as managing multiple devices, ensuring security and developing policies. Here are five steps to enable any organisation to embrace mobility.

Define a comprehensive mobility strategy
The first step is to determine the aim of your organisation going mobile. Carefully consider your desired business goals and how mobility can help enable those goals, whether it’s about improving customer service or employee productivity. Then, develop a corresponding mobility strategy and architecture. A good start is to assess your organisation’s existing infrastructures, from network and security to communications, as they will impact your mobile systems and how they evolve.

Focus on the mobile experience
Before planning your mobile initiative, decide between developing a mobile responsive website or a mobile app. The former is a good introduction to the world of mobile as it tends to be easier and faster to develop. But if you’re looking for depth of engagement, then a mobile app can become the central point for employees, customers and other stakeholders to engage with. With pros and cons tied to each, your decision should be based on your organisation’s needs.

Build an evolving BYOD policy
While BYOD initiatives are popular thanks to its cost-effectiveness, they come with challenges namely putting company data at risk. Establish a solid foundation by adopting an integrated approach that allows you to build and evolve BYOD policies. From switches to servers, an integrated framework is scalable and tackles mobility, security, virtualisation, and network policy management, which helps improve employee experience and enhances security.

Choose the right cloud
Communicate and collaborate more efficiently with cloud-based tools and systems, regardless of your preferred platform or hardware. From networking to data storage, there are cloud managed services for essential business functions – some are even capable of hosting apps and desktops. Whether it’s private, public or hybrid cloud deployments, consider the option that works best for your organisation.

Stay secure
Securing mobile devices is no longer enough. Think beyond device management and managing your organisation’s mobile apps. Ensure the right people have access to the right data at the right time from anywhere. Building your security tools can be expensive, so it is worth considering third party vendors who can tailor a solution based on your organisation’s needs.

Learn how FUJIFILM Business Innovation can empower employees to be more mobile. Get in touch now!

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