
FUJIFILM Business Innovation is a partner to the healthcare sector, helping state-owned and private healthcare providers nationwide to work smarter. We sponsor healthcare-related charities and causes nationwide to demonstrate our commitment to fostering the well-being of our communities.

Healthcare Sponsorships

We’re proud to sponsor Breast Cancer Cure, a not-for-profit charity trust established exclusively to support research aimed at finding a cure for breast cancer. Sadly, one in nine Kiwi women will face breast cancer in their lifetime and tragically, we lose two women every day, with one woman diagnosed every three hours. Despite these harsh realities, Breast Cancer Cure believe the disease can and should be survivable.

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Breast Cancer Foundation NZ is a not-for-profit charitable trust and is the country's foremost breast cancer education and awareness organisation. The foundation relies entirely on donations from the public including personal donations, fundraising events, and corporate partnerships for their work. As a partner of the foundation and to keep operating costs low, we’re pleased to support the organisation with office print technology allowing more funds to be spent for local and national programmes.

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A cancer diagnosis can turn your life upside down – especially if that diagnosis is for your child. That's why everything Child Cancer Foundation does is to make the impact of childhood cancer lighter on Kiwi families. FUJIFILM Business Innovation is proud to do our bit by supporting the organisation with print technology to ensure more funds are directed towards patients and their whānau

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Starship is our national children’s hospital – a lifeline for critically ill and injured children across Aotearoa New Zealand. Thanks to the generosity and compassion of everyday New Zealanders, the Starship Foundation has generated more than $160 million for Starship since 1992. Over the years FUJIFILM Business Innovation have supported the Foundation with printed materials for their fundraising campaigns, charity events, patients and their whānau. 

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