Smartphone App

smartphone app

Smartphone App you can print / scan with

App Overview

Seven-Eleven Multicopy

You can easily print photos and documents in your smartphone with this app via Wi-Fi connection at Seven-Eleven stores in Japan.
You can also scan physical document to save it electronically in your smartphone.


App Overview

About Use of the App

For use, download the free app to your smartphone.

Downloading the App

Seven-Eleven Multicopy

AppStoregoogle Play

To download, search for the "Seven-Eleven Multicopy" app on the App Store (for iPhone/iPad users) or on the Google Play store (for Android users). The app is free for use.

Participating countries/regions providing app

South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the United States, Thailand, the Philippines, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Indonesia, Canada, France, Vietnam, Germany, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Russia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Mexico, Argentina, Republic of South Africa, Egypt, and Nigeria

App Specifications

Item Detail
Services that can be used Photo Print, Plain Paper Print, Postcard Print, Scanning
Supported OS iOS (Ver.15.0 and subsequent versions), Android (Ver.9.0 and subsequent versions)
  • May not run on some devices.
Supported file formats Photo Print:JPEG,TIFF,BMP,PNG
Scanning: PDF:PDF,DocuWorks,JPEG,TIFF
Supported number of files/
total size
Photo Print: 60 files or total of 360 MB
Plain Paper Print: 60 files or total of 360 MB
Postcard Print: 60 files or total of 360 MB
Scanning: 20
Supported file sizes Photo Print: 10 MB/file
Plain Paper Print: 10 MB/file
Postcard Print: 10 MB/file
Scanning: 800 MB/file


  • JPEG 2000 and multi-page TIFF are not supported. (The same applies to cases where JPEG 2000 is included in a PDF file, etc.)
  • AirPrint is not supported.
  • If using a smartphone with a function that "disables access points that cannot connect to the Internet and automatically disconnects or switches access points with unstable communication" in Wi-Fi settings, please turn this function OFF before establishing a Wi-Fi connection with the multi-copier.
  • For Android OS, it might happen that the Multicopy app is unable to add photo images directly through the Google Photos app.
  • Therefore, please download the photo images to your smartphone first, and then use the Multicopy app.
  • From the Google Photos app to download the photo images to your smartphone, 1)open the Google Photos app, 2)select each photo image, 3)select the option(⋮)menu to press "download".

How to Use the App

<iPhone/iPad users>


<Android users>