- Specifications
FUJIFILM 12K Printbar System
- Print Width
Up to 5.0 inches (127 mm)
- Print Speed & Resolution
Cross process resolution 1,200 dpi
Print Speed
425 FPM / 129.5 MM
1,200 dpi
615 FPM / 187.5 MM
600 dpi
1000 FPM / 304.8 MM
300 dpi
- Color & Quality
C, M, Y, K (C, M, Y, K to monochrome conversion)
2-bit grayscale
Native drop size 2.4 pL
Max drop size 13pL
Smallest font 2pt (4pt knockout)
- Interfaces
Microsoft Windows® 10 and PECS
Variable Data
- Print Controller
Print queue management using Job Tickets and Hot Folders
RIP-Stream; simultaneous RIP and print
RIP-to-TIFFs; jobs are ripped in advance and saved as ready to print TIFFs
Output synchronization for simplex or duplex printing
- Power (multiple printbar controller)
208-240VAC, 1Phase, 50/60Hz, 20A max