DynamIx HR2, Imaging plate

Computed Radiography System - Overview

CR system offering high-resolution readings from 25 μm pitch to 100 μm pitch.

Fujifilm Computed Radiography Equipment

Whether your work is in aerospace or the oil and gas industry, inspecting your manufactured products is vital to ensuring the end product operates efficiently and effectively. Digital radiography (DR) is a non-destructive testing (NDT) method that companies use to analyze and evaluate parts without damaging the original pieces. Computed radiography (CR) is a method of digital radiography you can use as part of your inspection process.

FUJIFILM North America Corporation offers a computed radiography system to help you inspect your parts digitally. Learn what computed radiography is and how our product can help you.

Dynamlx HR2 Specifications

The Dynamlx HR2 image reader has many specifications to ensure it's the best product for your inspection needs, including:

  • Reading density: 25, 50, 100 and 200 μm
  • Reading grayscale: 14 bits/pixel
  • Weight: 58 kg (127 lb)
  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 600 mm × 660 mm × 490 mm (24 in. × 26 in. × 19 in.)
  • Operation condition: 15°C to 30°C, 15% to 80% relative humidity (RH) (No dew condensation)
  • Power supply: 100V to 240 V AC, 50/60Hz, 400 VA or less
  • IP tray: Hand-held type
  • Tools for using special cut IPs: custom order for Type S and Type F

Benefits of the FUJIFILM Dynamlx HR2

The Dynamlx HR2 CR system provides many benefits for users to inspect their data. 

  • High image quality: Whether your products have different thicknesses or materials, the reader can capture all parts without having portions blocked from complications and provides the best image quality for you to examine.
  • Flexible inspection options: The imaging plates can bend to the object that requires inspecting.
  • IP hand insertion: You can easily insert the imaging plates into the Dynamlx HR2 reader using the hand-held tray type.
  • Compatible with Dynamlx VU: The Dynamlx VU is comprehensive computed radiography technology used to analyze and read inspection results via the Dynamlx HR2, which easily connects to the program to help users see results in real time.

How Does the Dynamlx HR2 Work?

The Dynamlx HR2 uses unique image processing and a wide dynamic range to deliver high accuracy for every inspection. The CR system allows users to customize parameter presets for image processing, ensuring the test objects' images appear clearly. Whatever the thickness or thinness of the part you inspect, you will see it clearly without blown-out highlights, unevenness or shadows.

To use the Dynamlx HR2, you insert an imaging plate into the reader, which transfers the image and its readings to the CR system so you can analyze the results on a computer. While using the program, you can adjust the search conditions to make a preset, enabling one-click data retrieval to optimize your workflow.

Computed Radiography Imaging Plates

When you use the Dynamlx HR2, you can use several types of imaging plates to ensure your objects receive a proper inspection. The image reader accepts computed radiography plates such as:

  • Strip-form type
  • Fixed-size type
  • Hand-held type

Fujifilm can customize your imaging plates to make inspecting your products easy while using the Dynamlx HR2. The FUJIFILM Dynamlx Special Cut IP System provides imaging plates optimally shaped for an inspection object, maximizing the technology's potential applications.

table showing ip types

What Is Computed Radiography?

Computed radiography is the process of producing accurate radiographic images without film. Instead, computed radiography uses imaging plates to capture digital images. The digital process streamlines data transmission, display and storage so you can instantly analyze your products' properties, structures and characteristics. CR imaging plates can also be reused multiple times before needing a replacement, whereas film requires replacement after each inspection.

Computed Radiography Industrial Applications

You can use a computed radiography system for various NDT applications. Our Dynamlx HR2 can support all radiographic testing options, enabling you to inspect all types of objects. Get the most out of the CR system by using it to examine complex shapes. Whereas you would have to cut, bend and insert film to inspect your objects, the Dynamlx HR2 can accept customized imaging plate shapes and sizes based on your needs. Fujifilm can design the plates for you.

Why Choose a Fujifilm Computed Radiography System?

At Fujifilm, our computed radiography technology offers comprehensive readings to make inspection easier. The FUJIFILM Dynamlx HR2 is a high-resolution CR system that reads images using a small workspace. The Dynamlx HR2 is easy to use, allowing users to insert CR imaging plates with one hand.

When using the Dynamlx HR2, you insert the image plate through the top of the image reader, and the plate ejects from the front once complete. Though it is a narrow space, the unique design can read imaging plates up to 152 cm long. The CR system has a reading density from 25 μm to 200 μm.

The CR system can also carry out several operations with just a few actions, ensuring you receive an extensive analysis of the product you're testing.

Purchase Dynamlx HR2 to Start Using Computed Radiography Today

Make the switch from film to digital when inspecting your objects. The Dynamlx HR2 uses a computed radiography system to provide high-quality imaging. Learn more about NDT and computed radiography when you contact Fujifilm today


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