Sustainability -  Overview

Fujifilm has long been dedicated to environmental responsibility in products, services, and corporate activities; while sharing knowledge and ideas with others for maintaining a green environment.

Product Innovation

In 1989, the first Fujifilm company received ISO 14001 certification. Today, many Fujifilm products are manufactured in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard for environmental Management Systems.

  • The Fujifilm J Press for North America achieved levels of deinking previously unseen with inkjet print, during deinking trials carried out by the International Association of the Deinking Industry (INGEDE). The Fujifilm J Press makes the process easy for cleaner recycled paper, verses other digital inkjet printers.
  • Fujifilm is the leading supplier of Ultra Violet (UV) – cured inks, which are free of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and are cured using ultra violet light. UV inks also consume less energy in the print process, eliminating the need for traditional drying systems.
  • FUJIFILM Dimatix cartridge-based DMP Printer is being used in the world's first known demonstration of inkjet technology for manufacturing photo voltaic solar cells.
  • New FRONTIER Digital Dry Labs produce zero chemical effluent, as compared to chemical based silver halide labs, and use less than 50% of the energy of original lab models.

Energy Conservation

  • In 2011, FUJIFILM North America installed a photo voltaic solar panel system on its Hawaii branch office. With 1,455 modules, the solar panel system will produce 483,391 kWh annually, which is equivalent to reducing CO2 emissions by 1.11 million lbs per year or powering 66 households per year.
  • In 2009, FUJIFILM North American Manufacturing U.S.A., Inc. headquarters in Greenwood, S.C., began using approximately 197 billion BTU's per year of methane generated energy from the local landfill to power approximately 40% of the facility's operations and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 10,000 tons – that equals the emissions of over 17,000 vehicles each year.

Waste Management

  • Fujifilm reuses or recycles over 99% of QuickSnap™ cameras by weight (excluding batteries) that are returned through recycling programs which prevent thousands of tons of waste from entering landfills.
  • Fujifilm is one of the largest suppliers of presensitized printing plates to the commercial graphic printing industry in North America. These plates, etched from aluminum, generate aluminum sludge as a waste product. Aluminum is a critical material in the treatment of wastewater from manufacturing plants. In its first year, this waste recovery process has reduced Fujifilm's aluminum sludge waste by 3,000 tons. Excess sludge is also being sold for use by other manufacturers.
  • The Fujifilm Data Tape Library Pack is specifically designed using unique thermo-formed recyclable material to facilitate use of Fujifilm data tape cartridges in automated library environments. This eliminates individual cartridge packaging, thereby reducing upload time and eliminating 80 percent of waste by weight as compared to standard P-case configuration.

Social Responsibility

  • Fujifilm Images of Health: Fujifilm supports Breast Cancer Awareness through its Images of Health Initiative that focuses on the sharing of inspirational stories to drive donations to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
  • Fujifilm Cameras For Causes: Employees at Fujifilm can nominate qualified non-profit organizations to receive a digital camera. These donations are often used to help capture images at special events, share valuable moments and help raise money to provide support for an organization's mission.
  • Fujifilm Conservation Initiative: In 2009, Fujifilm started an internal energy conservation initiative targeting all production, warehouse and distribution and sales offices throughout the United States, with the participation of nearly 4,000 employees. Relevant information is logged onto an internal website to promote good competition among the offices in reducing energy use and CO2 emissions.
  • Fujifilm Community Initiatives: Fujifilm operates in more than 71 facilities throughout North America. Many of its companies participate in local community outreach efforts, including: breast cancer walks, food bank donations, Toys for Tots, children's hospital donations and LIVESTRONG Challenge.

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act

The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB 657) went into effect January 1, 2012. This law requires large retailers and manufacturers that do business in the state of California, and that have gross worldwide sales of over $100 Million Dollars, to be transparent about the efforts they have undertaken to eradicate Slavery and Human Trafficking that may occur in their supply chain.

Fujifilm takes a proactive approach to ensure that we comply with the laws of the countries in which we operate. To that end, we have the following Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) systems in place.

The Fujifilm Group's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment is to contribute to the sustainable development of society by putting into practice the Fujifilm group's Corporate Philosophy, and realizing its vision through sincere and fair business activities.

    Fujifilm Corporate Philosophy

    Fujifilm uses leading-edge, propriety technologies to provide top-quality products and services that contribute to the advancement of culture, science, technology and industry, as well as improved health and environmental protection in society.

    Fujifilm will:

    1. Fulfill our economic and legal responsibilities, and respond to society's demands by contributing as a corporate citizen to the development of culture and technology in society and environmental preservation.
    2. Constantly reassess whether our CSR activities are responding adequately to the demands and expectations of society, and whether those activities are conducted properly through dialogue with our stakeholders including customers, shareholders, investors, employees, local communities, and business partners,
    3. Enhance corporate transparency by actively disclosing information to fulfill our accountability for our business activities.

    The CSR Promotion system consists of a committee at the highest level to ensure that the systems are implemented and adhered to. The following systems under the CSR program are used for compliance with the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act:

    • Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior
    • Fujifilm Procurement Policy
    • Fujifilm Compliance w/ Law program (US)