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News Release

August 26, 2022

Lights, Cameras, Dissertations! Fujifilm present prize for highest mark in Research Dissertation at University of Suffolk. 

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Fujifilm Medical Systems have long worked with Universities and Education in Healthcare by supplying both equipment and training. With the current focus on staffing levels within the NHS especially within Radiology, Fujifilm are always keen to support the next generation of Radiographers and Radiologists, especially when they perform above and beyond. 

Fujifilm were approached by the University of Suffolk to help reward one such undergraduate student who scored an incredible 91% on her dissertation! We would like to congratulate Kimberley Rule for this achievement. Kimberley was presented with an instax camera from Fujifilm for achieving the highest mark for their research dissertation for the BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography course at Suffolk.  

Dr Ruth Strudwick from the University of Suffolk had this to say; “Kimberley’s project was an integrative review comparing the diagnostic accuracy of MRI and PET/CT in the assessment of patients with multiple myeloma. She focused specifically on the detection of intra- and extramedullary lesions, and the role of diagnostic imaging in post-treatment evaluation.

Scoring 91%, this was an exceptional piece identifying the superior physiological evaluation of residual disease post-treatment provided by PET/CT, and the potential to increase sensitivity through the addition of Diffusion Weighted sequences in MRI.” 
We’d like to additionally congratulate Kimberley who is now working as a band 5 diagnostic radiographer at East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) in Ipswich. 

Kimberley’s prize was presented to her by Christopher Cobb, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader for the BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography course at The University of Suffolk. Kimberley’s presentation was done in the university’s new Fujifilm X-Ray Suite. 

Photo credits, left to right: 

Kimberley Rule (Band 5 diagnostic radiographer at East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust), Christopher Cobb (Senior Lecturer and Course Leader for the BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography course at The University of Suffolk).