The FUJIFILM Healthcare Europe Team are excited to join the radiology community at ECR 2025: Planet Radiology. We look forward to sharing a series of new innovations, expert-led educational workshops and new ways of thinking to support healthcare professionals in a rapidly evolving landscape. As your valued innovation partner, we are proudly by your side and excited to navigate the future of radiology together.
We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the ESR Team for their hard work in creating an outstanding schedule of events for ECR 2025. We are delighted to be a part of this annual event to strengthen relationships with the radiology community. Together, we are focused on building meaningful innovations for the future of patients and our planet.
- Takemasa Kojima, Managing Director, FUJIFILM Healthcare Europe
It is with the passionate input of our industry partners that our technical exhibition truly comes to life. I would like to thank FUJIFILM for helping bring the next generation of imaging technology to our radiology community at ECR 2025. We look forward to seeing what potential this technology has for the future of patient care.
- Andrea Rockall, ECR 2025 Congress President
As we work together to build a patient-centred and sustainable future, we look forward to welcoming you to a series of in-person workshops focused on the major advancements in diagnostic mammography, including The Role of AI, the implementation of Contrast-Enhanced techniques and sessions dedicated to supporting Young Professionals in approaching the Modern Diagnostic Workflow (see schedule below).
Learn more about how we are developing new AI-based technologies to enhance the radiology patient journey, whilst integrating sustainability into our organisational processes. Experience our latest and upcoming technological innovations at the FUJIFILM ECR Booth 504-X5 in Vienna.
We are delighted to welcome you to a series of 11 in-person workshops during ECR week, including:
1. Integrating CEM Biopsy: A Bridge to Enhanced Diagnostic Workflow and Beyond (Dr. Anna Russo)
2. Advancing Precision: CEM-Guided Biopsy for Enhanced Diagnostic Accuracy (Dr. Gianfranco Scaperrotta, Dr. Giovanni Irmici)
3. Integrating DBT and CEM: Empowering Young Medical Professionals in the Diagnostic Workflow (Dr. Claudia De Berardinis and Dr. Marta Reis de Sousa)
SIGN UP NOW: Please visit https://www.healthcare-eu.fujifilm.com/ecr-2025/ecr_workshop/ to see the full list of workshops and register interest.
Learn more about FUJIFILM’s latest innovations at ECR!
With an AI-based ‘Positioning MAP’ our AMULET Sophinity® x-ray solution aims to enhance patient comfort by relieving tightness and reducing discomfort with automatic pressure reduction control during examinations. This innovation is rooted in our vision to support radiology professionals with intelligent tools that help them to support patients, whilst optimising image quality to support early cancer detection.
Experience AMULET Sophinity® X-Ray solution at ECR 2025
Learn about how reducing anxiety in the diagnostic process can make a huge difference to MRI patient wellbeing and to imaging results, especially with paediatric patients and those with claustrophobia.
“Claustrophobia is estimated to occur in 2.1 to 14.3% of all MRI examinations” 1
“3-4 in every 100 patients suffer from claustrophobia severely enough to interrupt or terminate their MRI” 2
Developed as an open MRI solution with superior imaging quality, OASIS Velocity® MRI system is designed to reduce anxiety in the patient MRI experience, with an unenclosed open-sided design that manages claustrophobia. Patient wellbeing is at the heart of our new innovations, as we strive to contribute with new ways of delivering patient-centred healthcare for society.
Experience OASIS Velocity® MRI system at ECR 2025
Learn more about how we are enhancing our manufacturing process across Europe and worldwide with our Green Value Manufacturing* initiative that aims to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2040**. The new FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific facility in Tilburg, Netherlands, promotes resource recycling and wind-powered electricity, as part of the FUJIFILM Group’s Sustainability Value Plan 2030*.
“Wastewater treatment has become a necessity to resolve the water scarcity issues…MBR has emerged as an efficient technology for its higher treatment efficiency, low land-area usage, and easy operation” compared to conventional methods.4
By reducing the amount of water used during manufacturing, as well as developing more sustainable technologies and products, such as using a membrane bioreactor (MBR) for wastewater purification, we are progressively changing the way we work as a company and training our employees on sustainability initiatives to support our planet.
- Speak to the FUJIFILM team about our manufacturing processes at ECR 2025
- Read about Tilburg: CSR Activity | FUJIFILM Manufacturing Europe B.V.
- Learn about how our employees are trained on sustainability: Environmental Education | FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation
Already launched by Fujifilm Japan last year, ECHELON® Smart ZeroHelium MRI system, our 100% helium-free MRI solution is coming soon to Fujifilm Healthcare Europe.
“Helium is a finite resource and is rare. A typical MRI scanner operates with ~1500–2000 litres of liquid helium and uses up to 10,000 litres over its lifetime.” 3
Comparatively, Winner of the Good Design Award***, FUJIFILM’s new ZeroHelium technology requires absolutely ZERO liquid helium to operate MRI systems, giving hospitals greater flexibility with service facilities and maintenance to support radiology professionals in implementing practice changes for sustainability.
Ask our team about the upcoming ECHELON® Smart ZeroHelium MRI system at ECR 2025
Visit the Fujifilm Healthcare Europe ECR: https://www.healthcare-eu.fujifilm.com/ecr-2025/
Visit the ECR website: ECR 2025 – Planet Radiology
* Green Value Manufacturing Initiative and FUJIFILM Sustainability Plan 2030: https://holdings.fujifilm.com/en/sustainability/plan/svp2030/environment
** Pathway to Carbon Neutrality by 2040: https://www.fujifilm.com/uk/en/about/brand/story/campaign/socialcontribution/environment
Would you like to learn more or perhaps you have a question for our team? Get in touch below.
Dominik Vollbach, Head of Marketing and Communications, FUJIFILM Healthcare Europe