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The 64ch/128slice CT system provides images with excellent visibility - even at low doses.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Image Processing Technology by Fujifilm Group

Supports Efficient Operations by Making the Platform Common

The console is equipped with image processing technology cultivated by the Fujifilm Group.
Image data can be transferred to SYNAPSE 3D in parallel.

This figure shows the transition from the displayed CT imaging settings on the SCENARIA View’s console monitor to the same 3D Viewer screen and Multi Planar Reconstruction (MPR) reformat screen as SYNAPSE 3D. It also shows the transition from the analysis screen on SYNAPSE 3D’s monitor to the screen of a 3D Viewer, a MPR reformat and the screen of Cardiac Function (Cardiac Function is option).
  • * Depending on system configuration, optional applications may be required.
    Please contact our salesperson for details.