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The 64ch/128slice CT system provides images with excellent visibility - even at low doses.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Image Gallery

Intelli IPV(Right)

Intelli IPV(Right)

Intelli IPV(Right)

Intelli IPV(Right)

Brain tumor

Common carotid artery stenosis

Interstitial pneumonia

Lung screening (CTDI vol: 2.0 mGy)

Coronary artery calcification

Non-tuberculous mycobacteria

Follow-up after CABG

Follow-up after LAD stenting

High speed imaging (180 mm/sec)

Renal cell carcinoma (80 kV)

Abdominal aortic occlusion

Intraoperative oxygen desaturation (Left)
Left common iliac artery occlusion (Right)

Humeral greater tuberosity fracture

Tibial plateau fracture

Hip joint (HiMAR Plus)

  • * Images other than axia images were processed by the 3D image analysis system SYNAPSE 3D.