FUJIFILM Business Innovation

Let’s redefine collaboration with DocuWorks — a platform that provides seamless work integration across a wide range of app and media channels — so you meet your customer’s needs faster.

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Connectivity Diagram

DocuWorks creates one stable infrastructure and work environment that easily links you to DocuSign, AdobeSign, Kintone, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive, Salesforce, Working Folder, Scan Translation Service, Scan Delivery, and BYOD — so you’re always connected to the right business tools.

Through seamless integration across a wide range of apps you can finish tasks faster and more effectively — all from your DocuWorks platform.


MFD Linkage
With the integration of a multi-function device (MFD), you have more options to scan by attributes. Simply scan papers to automatically convert them into the DocuWorks format, and just like that — you can easily share and collaborate with your team.

Document Digitalisation

Gain access anytime, anywhere with DocuWorks on iOS and Android. This means you can receive, send, and edit documents even from your home office, leading to quicker turnaround time and higher customer satisfaction.

DocuWorks Tray
Enable easy document transactions between devices with DocuWorks Tray. A complementary software to DocuWorks, this virtual paper tray is like an all-in-one mailbox, storage, and file manager. You can even check work progress by comparing the operation history of different trays, making it quicker to identify bottlenecks and take the right course of action.