Digital Transformation Solutions

Digital Workplace Digital Workplace

Over the last few years, the move toward Digital Transformation, business agility, and the ability to support remote and hybrid working have become increasingly important. Most Digital Transformation initiatives revolve around cost-effective, simple-to-use solutions and services that improve employee productivity, accuracy, and ultimately, their experience at work.

However, Digital Transformation doesn't happen in a vacuum. It begins - and thrives - in a Digital Workplace.

Streamline Document Access with Digital Enterprise Transformation Solutions

According to IDC1, workers are spending up to 30% of their workday searching for information. These wasted hours stem from how documents are scattered across different systems, emails, folders, and even within physical documents. Daily operations are further delayed and fragmented when organisations continue to rely on paper approvals and manual processes, highlighting the need for digital business transformation solutions.


Difficulty in looking for information workers need, which are scattered across data pools


Reduced productivity with unnecessary hours devoted to searching for the right documents

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Decreased quality standards from messy document trails and file-naming conventions

Efficient and Secure Document Management with Digital Workplace Services

Facilitate your document lifecycle with document workflow that ensures smooth capture, sharing, and storage of your documents, incorporating digital workplace services to enhance operational efficiency.


Digitise, store, manage, and secure business-critical information


Digitalise key business processes and workflows

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Increase productivity by ensuring documents are easily accessible and searchable

1 IDC, ”The High Cost of Not Finding Information”

Enhancing Hybrid Work with Advanced Digital Collaboration Tools

Our way of working has evolved. Today's workspaces must allow teams to work from anywhere. Yet, virtual meetings often suffer from awkward silence, disjointed discussions, and the resounding realisation that in-person meetings are more fruitful. Without the right collaboration and communication tools, teams may not be able to complete the work they require efficiently or securely.

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Loss of productivity due to lack of real-time connectivity across the organisation

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Dampened employee morale due to unnatural and unengaging virtual discussions

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Challenges in hiring and retention due to inability to offer flexible work arrangements

Foster an Immersive Digital Workplace Environment

Enable natural and seamless communication for improved remote or hybrid collaboration. Creating collaborative environments that are as immersive virtually as they are in-person involves engaging all our senses - from hearing clearly and being clearly heard, to seeing what's being presented and interacting with it via a touchscreen, and much more. With the right Unified Communications & Collaboration tools you can keep your team and customers engaged, wherever they are.

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Increased productivity from seamless connectivity between people and information wherever they may sit

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Higher employee morale with more engaging meetings that are effective regardless of setting

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Stronger hiring and retention due to offer of attractive flexible work arrangements

Modernise IT Management in the Digital-First Era

IT departments oversee an ever-growing list of responsibilities in planning, designing, building, monitoring, and maintaining IT infrastructure, and play an integral role in ensuring smooth operations for the rest of the organisation. However, many IT teams are unable to keep up with the expanding demands of supporting their organisations' Digital Transformation initiatives, fortifying IT security against threats, and more.

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Increased IT operational cost as data requirements grow with continued digitalisation of core business processes

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Growing sophistication of IT systems pose challenges to hiring the right skills and reduced productivity from outdated IT expertise

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Cyberthreats are increasingly credible as data grows in value and poorly maintained IT systems become more vulnerable

Optimise Operations with Managed IT Outsourcing Solutions

Cybersecurity, maintaining data repositories, upgrading IT systems, and other IT operations priorities are not the core business for most companies. Outsourcing some IT processes or leveraging services to manage your systems end-to-end can help ensure business continuity while allowing you to focus on what you do best, utilising managed IT solutions for greater operational efficiency.

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Reliable service delivery and predictable cost shields your business from fluctuations in IT operational cost

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Flexible and agile IT operations allows for scaling of your IT workforce as and when your business needs to

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Access to up-to-date cybersecurity and IT expertise able to run and protect your IT environment against cyberthreats

Digital Business Transformation Solutions FAQs

FUJIFILM Business Innovation provides digital transformation solutions that integrate advanced digital technology into all business areas, enhancing operational efficiency, employee productivity, and delivering superior customer value.

FUJIFILM Business Innovation's digital workplace solutions streamline information access and automate routine tasks, freeing up employees to focus on strategic initiatives, thus boosting productivity and job satisfaction.

Key components provided by FUJIFILM Business Innovation include advanced communication tools, integrated workflow systems, and technology support ensuring security and accessibility, vital for supporting diverse work styles and locations.

Digital transformation solutions often include automating IT management tasks, which reduces the burden on IT teams and allows them to focus on more strategic initiatives that support the business's digital transformation efforts.

In a digital-first world, FUJIFILM Business Innovation's managed IT outsourcing solutions deliver the strategic expertise necessary for digital transformation. These services help businesses manage IT infrastructure, enhance cybersecurity, and align technology with business goals, enabling them to thrive in a digitally empowered future.