Fujifilm Group Human Rights Statement
This Human Rights Statement is based on the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct, which both declare Fujifilm's respect for all human rights. Through this Human Rights Statement, we hereby further declare that respecting human rights in our day to day activities is a cornerstone of our business.
Scope of Application
This Human Rights Statement (“Statement”) applies to, and must be followed by, all personnel including directors, officers, employees and other workers (“Personnel”) of Fujifilm Holdings Corporation and those of its subsidiaries (together the “Fujifilm Group” and each a “Fujifilm Group company”). All business partners associated with the provision of any products and services of any Group company are also expected to comply with this Statement.
The Fujifilm Group's Basic Principles on Respect for Human Rights
As a corporate member of society, the Fujifilm Group fully recognizes the importance of respect for human rights in all of its activities.
We embrace the United Nations' Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) as a framework for implementation of respecting human rights. At the same time, in the conduct of our business, we support and respect the following principles:
- The International Bill of Human Rights (consisting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights);
- OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy, the core labor standards set out in the ILO (International Labour Organization) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and treaties relating to the human rights of workers regarding employee wages and working hours
- The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Children's Rights and Business Principles
We recognize we cannot completely eliminate the possibility of adverse impacts on human rights caused by business activities.
If the activities of any the Fujifilm Group company are found to have an adverse impact on human rights, or if it is clear that those activities contribute to an adverse impact on human rights, we will work diligently to remedy that impact by taking appropriate actions.
We will comply with the domestic laws and regulations of each of the localities where we engage in business activities. If a conflict arises between internationally recognized human rights and the domestic laws or regulations of a particular locality, the Fujifilm Group companies will behave in a manner which respects internationally recognized human rights as far as possible.
We will regularly disclose information on the status of our measures for respecting human rights through our website and other means. We will also engage in ongoing dialogue with our external stakeholders in relation to our activities in this area.
Implementing Respect for Human Rights in the Course of our Business Activities
We seek to identify and tackle potential human rights risks in our business activities and those of our business partners, work to eliminate those risks and prevent and/or mitigate any adverse impact on human rights.
In the event that an adverse impact on human rights is discovered or suspected in our supply chain, we will take prompt and appropriate action, including possible termination of any offending supplier relationship, to maintain a responsible supply chain.
Whilst we cannot always control how others make use of our products and services, we have absolutely no intention of allowing our products and services to be used to engage in human rights violations.
We will undertake appropriate education and training for all our staff and make it clear that we expect our business partners to educate their staff to ensure that this Statement is applied to all our business activities.
Consideration for Fujifilm Group Personnel
Each Fujifilm Group company is committed to treating their Personnel with dignity and respect in order to help them demonstrate their talents to the maximum extent by:
Safe and healthy workplace – Ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for all its Personnel and that all its workplaces comply with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
Respectful Workplace - Prohibiting any discrimination and/or harassment and ensuring that its Personnel and anyone doing business with it are treated with the utmost respect.
Work hours and wages - Complying with all local applicable laws and regulations relating to wages, work hours, overtime and benefits.
Labor-Management relations - Seeking mutual and smooth understanding between staff and management. Respecting the rights to engage in collective bargaining and to the right to enjoy freedom of association, as permitted by applicable laws, rules in the country in which it conducts business.
Child Labor - Complying with internationally recognized standards and all applicable local laws and regulations relating to the hiring of minors.
Forced Labor - Prohibiting the use of all forms of forced labor, including slave labor, bonded labor, indentured labor, and any form of human trafficking.
Education and Training on Human Rights - Undertaking appropriate education and training so that this Statement is implemented throughout its organization.
Response to report on any suspected or actual breach of this Statement
The Fujifilm Group encourages all Personnel of all the Group companies and its business partners to report any suspected or actual breach of this Statement. All reports will be handled on a confidential basis to the extent possible.
Anyone who, in good faith, reports a suspected or actual human rights violation will not be penalized or retaliated against by any Group company for reporting such suspected or actual violation so long as the reporter is not also engaged in any prohibited conduct. Additionally, the Group company Personnel and business partners have the right to be able to respect and uphold this Statement without fear of retaliation or threat from management or other employees, agents or representatives of any Group company. Any retaliation or threat of retaliation on persons making a report on a suspected or actual human rights violation is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment or contractual relationship.
Established in June 2018, Revised in April 2019