
ECHELON Smart Plus

High image quality and quiet performance combined with speed.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.


Efficient applications for enhancing MR imaging

All Around RADAR

RADAR is applicable for routine head examinations

RADAR reduces motion artifacts and increases the ease of use by making it compatible with multiple sequences, all receiver coils and arbitrary cross sections. RADAR can be used in combination with high speed imaging as well. ECHELON Smart Plus's "All Around RADAR" is compatible with TOF sequences, GrE sequences and most of the sequences required for routine brain examinations.

Routine brain imaging

Effects of RADAR on TOF MRA and GrE T2*WI

RADAR has been applied to GrE sequences using a high-precision signal correction technology.
This has enabled the combined use with RADAR for all sequences required in routine brain examinations.

Plaque Imaging

Diagnosis of plaque characterization

Diagnosis of carotid artery plaque characterization requires a high T1 contrast MR image.

BeamSat TOF

Improving visibility in hemodynamic changes

Selective MRA - Addition of hemodynamic information added to TOF
Pencil-beam type pre-saturation (BeamSat) pulses based on the application of local excitation are used in TOF imaging to selectively suppress some of the blood flow signals required for identification of the hemodynamics.

Selective MRA scans with BeamSat pulses which targets a specified blood flow allowing signals to be suppressed and the dominant regions to be clearly identified. BeamSat pulses can be set to arbitrary positions and angles using a dedicated GUI.