
ColorPath Verified is the integrated website and support for CGS's ORIS Certified Web client. Certified Web measures and verifies actual data against a desired target, and the ColorPath Verified website records, tracks and reports on various output devices, color targets, accuracy and data trends.
At a Glance
- Web based color quality dashboard
- Job color analysis
- Color monitoring and support
- Track trends and key performance indicators
- Web-based for access anywhere and security of data
- Color analysis website
- Color reporting tools
- E-mail notification of color errors
- Fujifilm remote color support
- Verification of measurement data to desired target data
- Creation of verification label
- Measure temperature and humidity
- Integrates with ORIS Certified Web for standalone plating or proofing measurements, or automated proofing with ORIS Color Tuner Web and Epson proofing engines with inline spectrophotometers
- Supported Client Software
- Below is a list of supported measurement client software, which connect to CPV.
- EFI Colorproof XF 4.1 Auto Measurement
- ORIS Certified Web from CGS
- Fujifilm Environmental Measurement Client
- Measurement Devices Supported
X-Rite i1
X-Rite i1/iO
X-Rite iSis
X-Rite icPlate 2 (Windows only)
Techkon RS800 (Windows only)
Techkon SpectroJet (Windows only)
Techkon SpectroDrive (Windows only)
Techkon SpectroDens (Windows only)
Manual plate entry
Epson SpectroProofer
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