Information for Suppliers

Procurement Practice

FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd (“FFAU”) procures goods and services for:

  • utilisation in the day to day operations of the FFAU business; and,
  • complementing solutions acquired by FFAU customers.

The Australian government’s decision to introduce a Modern Slavery Act 2018 is fully supported by FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd.


Our local stakeholders increasingly wish to learn more about the environmental and labour practices of our suppliers, their record and implementation of health and safety practices.

As such, our procurement processes and policies rigour help FFAU establish sustainable relationships with suppliers in accordance with our corporate social responsibly activities, our risk management practices, and our corporate governance policies.

We ensure our approach for:

  • fair and ethical transactions that create value and benefit to our shareholders, group businesses, customers, suppliers and broader society,

  • providing equal opportunity to all prospective, capable suppliers, 

  • upholding the highest standards or integrity and honesty, 

  • enabling delivery of the highest levels of quality, service, performance and innovation to FFAU and FFAU Customers, and 

  • sharing our sustainability standards and working with our suppliers to improve environmental and corporate social responsibilities outcomes


Procurement Policy

The Procurement Policy establishes our expectations of suppliers, and their supply chain, in providing goods and services to FFAU.

Based on the idea of the Fujifilm Group's Approach to CSR and Human Rights Statement, we uphold the Procurement Policy as a group-wide policy. We believe it is important that the business partners and suppliers, especially production materials suppliers, understand the importance of CSR (environment, human rights, occupational health and safety, corporate ethics, etc.) and work together with us in resolving issues.

Fujifilm Group’s Approach to CSR

The Fujifilm Group’s approach to corporate social responsibility is to contribute to the sustainable development of society by putting our Corporate Philosophy into practice through sincere and fair business activities.

We will not only fulfill our economic and legal responsibilities, but also:

  1. endeavor to understand global as well as local environmental and social issues and create value to address these issues through our business activities.

  2. continue to evaluate the environmental and social impact of our business activities and strive to improve the performance while increasing our positive impact on society.

  3. constantly reassess whether our activities are responding adequately to the demands and expectations of society through proactive stakeholder engagement with our stakeholders.

  4. enhance corporate transparency by actively disclosing information

Fujifilm Group Human Rights Statement

Fujifilm Group Procurement Policy

In all procurement activities, the Fujifilm Group will conduct “Open, Fair, Clear” transactions in compliance with relevant laws and regulations in and outside Japan, paying full considerations to their environmental and social impacts.

We will consider suppliers as partners for creating better products, and strive to build mutual trust for co-existence and mutual prosperity.

  1. Open

    • We will treat all suppliers, irrespective of nationality, with fairness and ensure that they are given equal business opportunities. We are also committed to considering procurement from new suppliers.

    • We create opportunities for new suppliers who wish to trade with us by periodically reviewing our regular suppliers.

    • We solicit offers only when considering making a purchase order. If asked, we explain, within reasonable and possible limits, our reasons for not accepting an offer or competitive bid.

  2. Fair

    • We do not engage in procurement transactions with a direct purpose of having the suppliers purchase our products or services.

    • We strictly manage and strive to preserve the confidentiality of supplier information obtained through procurement transactions.

    • We respect the intellectual property rights of a third party and our suppliers, and do not engage in procurement transactions that lead to the violation of their intellectual property rights.

    • As a rule, we compare offers from multiple suppliers simultaneously to nurture sound competition and select suppliers fairly.

  3. Clear

    • We are committed to engaging in fair procurement activities in compliance with laws and regulations in and outside Japan, paying full considerations to perspectives including the environment, human rights, occupational health and safety and corporate ethics across our supply chain.

    • We procure from excellent and trustworthy suppliers selected through comprehensive criteria that include quality, price, delivery time, technological capabilities, services, CSR activities and business continuity across their supply chain.

    • As a rule, we specify terms in written contracts. We sign a master agreement for ongoing transactions and conduct transactions based on it.

    • Our procurement personnel do not permit personal interests to influence relationships with existing or prospective suppliers.

Established in October 2009, Revised in April 2020

Our Request to Suppliers

The Fujifilm Group recognizes the importance of social responsibility and corporate ethics in undertaking business activities not only within the Group itself but also in partnership with our suppliers as we strive to build stronger partnerships.

The Fujifilm Group's Procurement Policy refers to our commitment to procure from "trustworthy suppliers selected through comprehensive criteria that includes quality, price, delivery time, technological capabilities, CSR activities and business continuity (Procurement Policy 3)." These are suppliers that operate in line with the Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct.

Our Charter for Corporate Behavior and Code of Conduct can be found below. We request all of our business partners to make the policies and requirements known to its employees, subcontractors, and other stakeholders involved in the Fujifilm Group’s business, and to implement them.

Fujifilm Group Charter for Corporate Behavior

Fujifilm Group Code of Conduct

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

FUJIFILM Australia issues Purchase Orders governed by standard terms and conditions. Unless a separate agreement is in place between a supplier and FUJIFILM Australia, the standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions apply. 

View the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Invoicing Guide

FUJIFILM Australia strives to pay suppliers within the agreed payment terms for goods and services that we procure.

In ensuring timely processing of supplier invoices, it is important to follow the invoicing instructions detailed below.

1. Suppliers must ensure the following items must be listed on your invoice:

Invoice DetailsDo you have the following details on your Invoice for efficient processing?
Addressed to “FUJIFILM Australia Pty Ltd”
FUJIFILM Australia purchase order number
Clearly state Tax Invoice Number and Invoice Date
Supplier name, ABN and contact name
Supplier bank payment details
Purchase order line details i.e. line description, unit price, quantity
Clearly identifying taxable or non-taxable items
Amount of GST to be paid and Total amount to be paid
FUJIFILM Australia business contact name

2. Purchase Order Number:

If you have not received a Purchase Order number from FUJIFILM Australia or you do not know your FUJIFILM Australia Purchase Order number, you must notify your FUJIFILM Australia contact ordering the services, and request the FUJIFILM Australia PO details to be supplied. 

3. Address for Invoices: Your invoice should be emailed to: