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Clinical Applications

Coronary Analysis - Features

Supports the evaluation and observation of the coronary arteries based on contrast-enhanced cardiac CT images

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases, including heart diseases has the highest mortality rate globally. Heart disease is caused mainly by contraction due to arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries which provide oxygen and nutrition to the heart, resulting in a worsened blood flow.

Most heart diseases can be prevented by adjust one’s lifestyle such as diet and physical activity.

Usefulness of CT Cardiac Examination

With the cardiac CT, information on the shape of the coronary arteries and plaques can be obtained in a scan as short as 10 seconds. In addition, it is a less invasive examination compared to cardiac catheter examination.

Automatic Extraction & Labelling of Coronary Arteries

Extraction and labeling of coronary arteries can be automatically processed. The cardiac area is also automatically extracted to for an Angiographic View.

Efficient Observation of Major Coronary Arteries

The CPR (natural view/straight view) along with the labeled center line and the orthogonal plane can be displayed for each of the 3 major artery. The center line can be modified as well. It is also easy to switch between the display of “RCA”, “LAD” and “LCX”.

Customizable Preset Conditions of Image Output

3D images can be stored with angles customized for each institution. The CPR and orthogonal plane images can be stored with preferable range of angles and intervals. A storage format can be selected from color DICOM and BMP.

Analysis Results

Automatic extraction

  • Heart/coronary artery area
  • Center line of the coronary artery
  • Labeling [RCA, LAD, LCX] Modifiable after automatic extraction

Display per coronary artery

  • Display of CPR (natural view/straight view) and orthogonal plane
  • Modification of the center line
  • CT value measurement
  • Display of CT value in color
  • Image storing

Operating environment

  • Applicable systems Whole-body X-ray CT system SCENARIA and Hyper Q-Net S

* Please note that not all applications are available on all products listed. Please contact our sales representative to understand which products suit your needs.