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FUJIFILM Mammography QC Program


Tool for centrally managing quality control data of mammography system equipment.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

For digital mammography, aimed at enhancing quality and reliability

The program consists of the exclusive "FCR 1 Shot Phantom M Plus" and the "FCR Mammography QC Software/Guidebook."

With "FCR 1 Shot Phantom M Plus", a daily quantitative test can be performed on 10 test items with a single exposure, enabling wide-ranging analysis of the system in a relatively short time.*1 The "FCR Mammography QC Software", designed for performing periodic QC, data analysis and managing the QC test log, is installed on the Console that is part of the FCR mammography system. The "FCR Mammography QC Program Guidebook" provides instructions on full procedures for quality control, technical explanations and other information necessary for this QC program.

  • *1 Approximately 10 minutes in the FUJIFILM laboratory, compared with 5 hours (approx.) using the procedures described in the IEC standard.
1 Shot Phantom setting on Mammography equipment 1 Shot Phantom Test items of 1 Shot Phantom
  1. Missed tissue at chest wall side
  2. CNR
  3. System sensitivity
  4. Geometric distortion
  5. System artifact (the whole image)
  6. Uniformity
  7. Dynamic range
  8. Spatial resolution
  9. LCD
  10. Linearity/Beam quality
  • * Please contact the subsidiary / distributor for the available system