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ARIETTA 850 DeepInsight

Premium diagnostic ultrasound system which achieves the image quality covering excellent noise reduction,stable penetration,and high spatial resolution with DeepInsight technology.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

ARIETTA 850 DeepInsight Incorporates Three Imaging Technologies

DeepInsight, which is a new noise reduction technology, eFocusing PLUS and Carving Imaging. The combination of these technologies enhances the signal from the tissues and delivers higher image quality with far less examiner dependency.

DeepInsight Technology

DeepInsight technology, which utilizes AI technology for image enhancement, extracts only the necessary information from a vast amount of data, delivering clearer representations of fine and complex tissue structures that could, until now, have been masked by noise. A more natural representation of the tissue structure is achieved.

eFocusing PLUS

The eFocusing technology acquires multiple received beams from a single transmission and combines them to display a single image in real-time. The ARIETTA 850 DeepInsight has evolved the eFocusing technology further by incorporating multiple frequencies to achieve high sensitivity, high contrast, and high spatial resolution.

Focused at all depths

Carving Imaging

Images with "Clearer Demarcation" are produced by our advanced image processing technology that enhances tissue structure. Delivering stable imaging with less patient dependency.



Pure Symphonic Architecture