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FCR PROFECT CS Plus - Overview


The high-throughput FCR reader capable of precise 50µm resolution for mammography with a dual-side reading.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Dual-side reading technology

The Dual-Side Imaging Plate (IP) Reading technology allows the use of a thicker phosphor layer on the transparent base, thereby increasing DQE (Detective Quantum Efficiency) by collecting the emissions from both sides of the IP.

[image] Layers of Dual-Side Imaging Plate
High-precision Images for various needs A multi-purpose FCR

The FCR Plus series now enables processing of pantomography exposures*1 (15 × 30 cm), in addition to standard and long-view exposures, making a wider range of examinations possible.

  • *1 15 × 30 cm IP needs optional IP Adapter
[photo] Pantomography X-ray image of teeth and dental bones
Enhanced image processing
[FNC] Flexible Noise Control
[GPR] Grid Pattern Removal
[MFP*2] Multi-Frequency Processing
[PEM] Pattern Enhancement Processing for Mammography

As an optional software specifically developed for mammographic imaging, PEM enhancement processing improves the conspicuity of micro-calcifications.


  • *2 Optional function for CONSOLE ADVANCE
System configuration Mammography QC Program

Fujifilm's Mammography QC Program is a dedicated quality control program applicable to FUJIFILM digital mammography systems. This program enables the system to keep a stable image quality for both screening and diagnosis.

[photo] Mammography QC Program binder, case, etc.

Products Name : FCR PROFECT CS Plus(Model name : CR IR 363)