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Company Profile


Business Fields

Digital Cameras, Medical Systems, Graphic Arts, Industrial Materials


[Head Office]

Floor 19, Tower A,
Commercial and service area combined with high-rise housing at lot 1-13,
Functional Area No. 1 - Thu Thiem New Urban Area, No.
15 Tran Bach Dang Street, Thu Thiem Ward,
Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

View map


Tel / Fax / Email Address

Fujifilm in Vietnam

FUJIFILM (Vietnam), a wholly-owned subsidiary of FUJIFILM Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Singapore is well established with wide ranging products such as Photo and Electronic Imaging, Data Storage Media, Graphic Arts, Medical and information systems products for 10 years in Vietnam.

Integrated with service centre, warehousing distribution and technical back-up services in its portfolio, Fujifilm strives to enhance its customer relationships and serve all needs of Vietnam market to deliver higher customer satisfaction.

In a corporate culture of openness, Fujifilm is moving forward with a broad range of business activities that aims to exploit innovations in advanced technologies to maintain its leading position at the forefront of the imaging and information solution industries.