INSTAX SHARE® SP-2 - Overview


Create INSTAX Prints from your Precious Memories in your Smartphone

Phone with collage of pictures next to it

Select your best shots from your smartphone and print INSTAX photos by just transferring the images from the INSTAX SHARE app to the SP-2 via Wi-Fi connection. 

Color Variation

Silver SP-2 Printer on the counter
Gold SP-2 Printer on a shelf
Silver Sp-2 printer with phone and pictures

High-Speed Printing

High-speed printing in 10 seconds

A new laser exposure system achieves a fast printing time of 10 seconds from print data transfer to print output. At the same time, printing noise is low which makes your printing experience enjoyable

Superb Image Quality

High resolution with print pixels of 800x600 dots, at 320dpi, shows detailed gradations and facial expressions in a full-length portrait, print characters and detailed photo subjects more clearly.

Pictures printer with SP-2 printer
  • INSTAX technology excels in color development and preservation.
    The INSTAX system develops colors by delivering the light to pigments and producing chemical reactions.
    It reduces the deterioration of color and sharpness caused by aging which proves excellent image stability just like silver-halide photographic prints.

Various Templates Available


Split one image into two

Image of one image split into two pictures


Image with collage pictures

Real Time Template

When you select “Real Time Template” and take a photo, the date, place, weather, temperature, and humidity are indicated in the frame. Since you cannot make a copy with this template, the photo will be the one and only in the world.

Picture of 2 young women smiling on a beach

Limited Template

Each print is numbered so it looks like a limited item. A memory shared with people you cherish will be even more precious.

Collage of three same images

Square Template

Template that fits the photo cropped into a square, where you can write messages.

Collage of three pictures

Seasonal Templates

Different designs to fit the occasion, whether Mother’s Day, a birthday, a greeting to mark the season, “Best wishes!”

collage of pictures with different design

Standard Template

The simple INSTAX frame makes the photo stand out.

Picture of jumping people

Filters for More Printing Fun!

Custom Filter

Collage of pictures with different custom filters

Color Filter

Collage or two pictures with different color filters

Fujifilm Intelligence Filter

Pictures showing Intelligence Filter setting

The Fujifilm Intelligence Filter uses an optimum processing technology, Image Intelligence™, which is based on Fujifilm's 80 years of experience and ever-advancing know-how. The technology gives real results - for example, to brighten up a photo that turned out too dark.

Print Images from your FUJIFILM Digital Cameras

Silver SP-2 Printer next to black camera by the window

With FUJIFILM digital cameras, you can print INSTAX photos by sending the images directly from your camera to the INSTAX SHARE SP-2.

You can now share the images that you can only achieve with digital cameras, such as children and pet images captured at fast shutter speed, or food and flower images with blurred backgrounds, by making them into INSTAX prints on the spot.

Download the Free INSTAX SHARE App

Phone with INSTAX Share icon next to it

New user interface and function for better usability.

App Store icon
Google play icon

Android™ phones: Installed with Android Ver. 4.0.3 or later and Google Play.

iPhones: Installed with iOS Ver. 8.0 or later. 

Some types of phones satisfying the above conditions may not be compatible with INSTAX SHARE even if the app is installed.

Other Features

Top view of black SP-2 printer

High luminance LED indicating the film and battery status.

image of SP-2 printer in hands

Reprint button allows you to share the same print with others.

Silver SP-2 Printer on the table

Equipped with a rechargeable battery to charge via micro USB port.