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Color Reversal, Professional Film

FUJICHROME Velvia 100 - Overview

Available in 35mm, 120 & Sheet

    On March 8, 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule regarding the chemical phenol, isopropylated phosphate (3:1) (PIP (3:1)) (CASRN 68937-41-7) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), which prohibited the processing and distribution in commerce, including sales, of the chemical and products containing the chemical. EPA also issued an enforcement policy on the same day stating that it will not enforce the ban on processing and distribution until September 5, 2021. 

    A miniscule amount (less than 0.0003%) of PIP (3:1) is present within the layers of FUJICHROME Velvia 100 Professional films. Fujifilm believes that the trace amount of PIP (3:1) in the FUJICHROME Velvia 100 Professional films pose no risk to the environment.

    As a global leader in imaging, Fujifilm is committed to acting sustainably, and complying with all country regulations. As such, Fujifilm will discontinue FUJICHROME Velvia 100 Professional film in the U.S. effective immediately (July 6, 2021).

    If you’ve purchased FUJICHROME Velvia 100 Professional films please read the accompanying Safety Data Sheet carefully.

     High Saturation and Vivid Color

    The Fujichrome Velvia 100 film carries on the tradition of vivid color and intense saturation of Fujichrome Velvia 50.

    At a Glance

    • ISO 100 Speed
    • Ultrahigh-Saturation Color Reproduction
    • Super-fine Grain
    • Color Image Storage Permanence
    • Superb Push/Pull Processing Suitability


    • Easy-to-use ISO 100 rating with a high level of color-saturation.
    • Attainment of high color-saturation level through the incorporation of cyan, magenta and yellow couplers.
    • RMS granularity of 8, one of the finest levels.
    • Color image storage permanence (anti-fading characteristics)
    • Minimum variation in color and gradation during push/pull processing over a range from -1/2 to +1 stop, providing an expanded range of photo-taking opportunities