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[photo] Diagnostic imaging software on a computer monitor

Software for DynamIx

DynamIx VU - Overview

Diagnostic imaging software with the highest level of image processing technology for testing standards.

Quality image

[logo] HQ text with High Quality written underneath

The world's top class*1 high spatial and density resolution and Excellent signal to noise ratio (SNR) produce superb image quality

Fusion of Fujifilm's advanced technologies used in image reader, software and IP realizes images of the finest quality possible expected in digital imaging.

[image] FCR technology during inspection of image processing

Unique image processing and wide dynamic range bringing high accuracy to every inspection

Excellent accuracy is the FCR standard with our automatic contrast optimization for each image and wide dynamic range which incorporates the trusted FCR technology.

  • *1 Researched by Fujifilm in November 2012

New features

[image] A left and a right arrow facing each other separated by a thick semi-rounded wall

DynamIx VU Thickness measurement ― the automatic measurement tool making corrosion tests easier

The pipe wall thickness is automatically measured based on Fujifilm's precise image analysis technology to make an inspection more efficient and stable.

[image] Computerized contrast/density normalization

Computerized contrast/density normalization according to the ASTM standard

Automatically adjusts contrast and density of an image to allow defect comparison between production images and ASTM Digital Reference Radiographs.

[image] Welded pipe joints with a counter clockwise blue arrow over it.

Long IPs enabling efficient exposure of welded pipe joints

Reads up to 152 cm long IPs allowing efficient inspection of larger objects.

Efficient operation

[image] 5 horizontal levers in different positions

Density parameter presets for more efficient image adjustment

The user can customize and preset the automatic density adjustment parameter (Exposure Data Recognizer: EDR) suitable for the test object. Easy density adjustment is possible with just one-click.

[image] A folder structure comprising of 3 folders

Quick data search with preset conditions

Presets of frequently used search conditions can be created enabling one-click data retrieval.

[photo] A checkmark on a gray background

More reliable assessment and greater traceability

Assessment of images is automated to reduce human labor and errors. The assessment history is recorded to enhance traceability.

[image] A computer monitor and keyboard on a desk

One click between modes

Processes from image reading to inspection can be conducted on one PC with smooth transition between image reading and inspection windows.

User Friendliness

[image] A workflow process

Simple work status management and data search with the entire test procedure visualized

The entire test process is managed on one main screen. The data tree structure and work status are shown at a glance.

[image] Close of an eye drawn with a sideways cone

Easy to view images displayed on the ergonomic monitor

Features assisting inspectors such as larger icons with customizable tool bars, masking and viewer friendly displays make inspection easier.

Network and security

[image] A computer network comprising 6 computers connecting to a main server

Flexible network configuration and communication to create an optimum workflow environment

Centralized management of inspection data at multiple sites on a centralized server accessible via Intranet or Major ERP Applications.

[image] Close up of a man's silhoutte with a large key in the middle

Strengthened security with user authority control

User access rights to individual functions can be controlled. With user rights management, user functions are limited by authority and workspace is increased by the removal of unauthorized tools.