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Capable of efficient operation at any site with smooth workflows and easy-to-use applications.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

  • These videos are filmed with the system for the Japanese market. The actual appearance of the system may differ.
  • Screen displays and specifications may differ depending on the version of the system.

Preparing for examination

  1. Operation panel (0:07~)
  2. Transducer connection (0:24~)
  3. Power On/Off (0:43~)

Basic operation

1. Input of patient information (0:07~)
2. Transducer and application changing (0:42~)

  • Simultaneous changing of transducer and application
  • Individual changing of transducer and application 

3. Gain adjustment (1:23~)

  • B mode gain adjustment
  • TGC adjustment
  • Automatic gain adjustment

4. Dual display (2:29~)
5. Display depth adjustment (2:54~)
6. Focus position adjustment (3:33~)
7. Zoom (3:52~)

  • Pan Zoom
  • HI Zoom

8. Freeze (5:04~)
9. Cine Search (5:21~)
10. Body Mark (5:44~)
11. Entering comments (6:09~)
12. Saving images (7:19~)

  • Saving still images
  • Saving videos

Operation of Color Doppler mode, D mode and M mode

1. Color Doppler mode (0:07~)

  • Color Flow (CF) mode
  • eFLOW mode
  • Power Doppler (PD) mode
  • Detective Flow Imaging (DFI) mode
  • Color Doppler gain adjustment
  • Flow Area Settings
  • Beam Steer of flow area
  • Dual display of B mode and Color mode

2. D mode (1:45~)

  • Doppler waveform display
  • Sample volume adjustment
  • Angle correction
  • Gain adjustment
  • Velocity range change
  • Baseline adjustment
  • Automatic adjustment of velocity range and baseline
  • Sweep speed change
  • Single display

3. M mode (3:39~)

  • M mode display
  • Gain adjustment
  • Sweep speed adjustment
  • Single display

Measurement and other operation

1. Measurement (0:07~)

  • Distance Measurement
  • Deleting measurement results
  • IMT automatic measurement
  • Blood velocity measurement (auto)
  • Blood velocity measurement (manual)

2. Other operations (2:12~)

  • Trapezoidal display of linear transducer
  • Puncture guideline display
  • Arbitrary M mode display (FAM: Free Angular M mode)
  • Side-by-side display with slow-motion image (DSD: Dynamic Slow-motion Display)
  • Viewing Instruction Manuals


1. Image search and output (0:07~)

  • Full screen view from thumbnail area
  • Full screen view from tile view
  • Searching for an image
  • Deleting images
  • Image output in PC format
  • Image output in DICOM format