For Photo Printing products
How do I dry the paper after printing?
How do I dry the paper after printing?
Separate and leave each print to dry for about 15 minutes. After that, put a piece of absorbent paper (e.g. plain paper) over the printed side, place a heavy object (e.g. book) on the absorbent paper and leave to dry for about 24 hours.
How do I store the prints?
How do I store the prints?
After following the proper drying procedures explained above, store the prints avoiding high temperatures, high humidity and direct sunlight.
We recommend placing a sheet of plain paper on the printed side to protect the image when storing. When you display prints, put them in frames with a glass cover, and avoid direct sunlight to prevent color fading.
What's the difference between “Photo Base Paper” and “Cast Coated Paper”?
What's the difference between “Photo Base Paper” and “Cast Coated Paper”?
“Photo Base Paper” is inkjet paper that is based on photographic paper.
It has high quality of smoothness and it looks almost as good as a silver halide photograph.
Therefore, it is perfectly suited to printing out high quality photographic images taken by digital cameras.
•Cast Coated Paper•Eis paper base inkjet paper, and it is very suitable for printing out various types of quality photo images.
Is it possible to print on the reverse side?
Is it possible to print on the reverse side?
No. The reverse side has no inkjet printability.
Ink is not fixed on the paper after printing.
Ink is not fixed on the paper after printing.
You may have tried to print the image on the reverse side of the paper. Please check and try again.
I could not make a borderless print. How can I print it?
I could not make a borderless print. How can I print it?
Possibly your printer is unable to make a borderless print, or it does not match the printing size. Please check your printer manual and the printer driver settings.
Printed color is different from expected.
Printed color is different from expected.
- Please check and select the proper printer driver settings.
- You may have run out of ink, or be experiencing clogging.
Unexpected stripes appear on the print.
Unexpected stripes appear on the print.
You may have run out of ink, or be experiencing clogging.