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Macro Silicon Wafer

Negative (Polyisoprene-based)

Multiple series of negative tone, polyisoprene-based resist systems

Multiple series of negative tone, polyisoprene-based resist systems applicable to a broad range projection, proximity and contact imaging and wet etch needs on varied substrates

Product Summary

  • SC Resist series
    Designed for thicker applications employing from 1.8 to 10 µm coatings for exposure on contact printers
  • IC Type 3 Resist series
    Designed for applications employing from 0.75 to 2.0 µm coatings for exposure on projection, proximity and contact printers
  • HNR Resist series
    Designed for high resolution applications employing from 0.50 to 1.40 µm coatings for exposure on proximity and contact printers
  • HR Resist series
    Designed for applications employing from 0.70 to 1.50 um coatings for exposure on highly reflective substrates on projection, proximity and contact printers