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Case Study

FP-Z5000 product announcement


Product announcement of FP-Z5000 has taken place in Ginza Tokyo. The main features of it, Ultra Short Throw, Wide Lens, Shift, and Rotatable Lens, were shown in the event.

Projecting on Ceilings and Floors

Entrance presentation of a garden with a large pond underneath spring skies

One projector has been hung from the ceiling and another set on the floor to project simultaneously. The wide, distortion-free image of the water gives the impression of a real pond to draw the customers’ attention, and the high quality reproduction of the blue of the sky and the vivid cherry blossoms on the ceiling create a highly immersive presentation. The wide lens shift keeps people from interrupting the projection, which enables the creation of a space where the projection unit itself is unobtrusive.

Ultra-Wide Screen Projection

Presentation of an entertainment space

Three projectors are set up level along the floor to project three connected horizontal screens, covering a massive total of 450 inches for a powerful presentation. Resolution is maintained without distortion in every corner of the projection, and the separate images are easily connected with blending processing. Ultra-short throw projection and the wide lens shift maximize the active space while keeping the projector itself from causing obstruction. The images projected feel real to the viewer, creating a strong emotional reaction, as though you and your family were actually the place.

Projection Mapping on a Curved Screen

Three-dimensional presentation for an information counter at an entrance

The projector is set up in the reception desk for an entrance with gorgeous design that leaves a great first impression with guests. The ultra-short throw projection with a wide shift function and slim body enable setup that won’t be noticed by guests. This even enables large-screen projection on curved walls, etc.


* An edited image for the arching screen is required.

Portrait Projection

Presentation of an impactful art gallery space with portrait display

A single projector is set up on the ceiling of an art space with a vertical projection of approximately 90 inches. Ultra-short throw projection enables large images, even in small spaces, and by using the wide-range shift function in portrait projection, the projector can be setup in an off-center position from the screen. Viewers can get close to the image and look at it without obstructing the projection or casting a shadow.