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StarFire® SG600 Printhead


StarFire® SG1024 Printhead for Sand Casting & Metal Sintering

FUJIFILM Dimatix next generation print head is addressing growing market needs for a high performance and reliable printheads used in sand casting and metal sintering applications. 


Unique Design:

  • 400DPI resolution with drop sizes ranging from 80-200pl that allow for optimal and efficient use of binder fluids
  • Reliably use challenging jetting fluids used for binding materials in sand casting and metal sintering
  • This product line can be used for prototyping and production
  • FUJIFILM Dimatix 10+ years of continued innovations in additive manufacturing


  • Redijet® - Double Recirculation for reliable jetting & Support fast system start-up
  • Maximize Uptime for high productivity and return on investment
  • Enables robust system design for end user up-time and productivity


  • Industrial capabilities meet customer demands in production environments
  • Robust (repairable) printhead for up-time productivity
  • Cost-effective repairs and maintenance