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Violet Plates - Overview


A negative working, violet CTP plate for medium to long run commercial print applications that can also be used with UV inks (unbaked), and is suitable for high quality 20μm FM screening applications.

Patented 'Multigrain' technology

A complex grain structure, consisting of primary and honeycomb grain and micropores on a premium grade aluminium base. The 'Multigrain' structure contributes towards the outstanding print quality, faithful tone reproduction, consistent ink and water balance and long press life.

Time saving compatibility

The adoption of 'Multigrain' technology across Fujifilm's conventional and CTP plate range offers users a unique production consistency. In addition to quality assured daily production, printers migrating from conventional to CTP print can do so efficiently without readjusting their press settings.

Reduced maintenance

Recognising that scheduling time for regular equipment maintenance can be difficult in busy production environments, Brillia LP-NV customers now benefit from extended operating periods. Processors require only minimal cleaning once every 3000m2 or two-month period (whichever is the sooner).

Excellent, consistent image quality

The Fujifilm technology behind the latest photopolymer plates allows customers and their clients to benefit from consistent high quality print. Production of Brillia LP-NV, like all Fujifilm plates, is within close manufacturing tolerances providing users with a unique batch to batch consistency. Removing the need for platesetter recalibrations or processor adjustments will enhance your production and promote client confidence.

Unique chemical resistance

Developing products that meet customer requirements has placed Fujifilm in a leading position in the graphics industry. Reflecting the broad requirements of commercial print, Brillia LP-NV's specification supports long run conventional and UV print without the need for baking. Run lengths in excess of a million impressions are also possible once baked.

  • Wide exposure and processing latitude for consistently higher quality
  • Suitable for up to 250,000 impressions unbaked, up to 500,000 baked
  • Resolution of 1-99% dot at 200 lpi, and suitable for high quality 20μm FM screening applications
  • Improved tone reproduction
  • Excellent dot stability
  • Ideal for high PPH throughput applications