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[photo] FDR Nano Mobile X-ray system

FDR nano

A mobile imaging device for high quality X-ray imaging easily handled in a variety of settings.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Quick accessibility

[photo] Person standing in front of FDR Nano interface with x-ray image of chest on screen

Four wheel caster and extremely light weight X-ray cart can bring freedom of movement.

[image] FDR Nano compared to traditional mobile x-ray - smaller, lighter, and smoother movement
Little downtime
[photo] Charging port of FDR Nano on bottom of machine next to wheel

High performance Li-ion battery enables quick charge of 4 hours and can be used continuously for 12 hours. Also plugged in

Ready to be used at anytime
[photo] DR D-EVO II in DR slot with hand reaching over and locking it into FDR Nano system

D-EVO II is charged when placed in the DR slot and is quickly taken out with tilting function.

Quick viewing while treating
[photo] Operation panel rotating freely and x-ray technician looking at screen

Operation panel can rotate freely according to the doctor's position.

Smart Workflow

[photo] Man resting in hospital bed surrounded by man different machines

Its compact design is suitable for taking X-ray in narrow spaces where portable X-ray is used generally.
Combining Fujifilm core technology of Casette DR with image processing and compact Digital x-ray cart can bring smart mobile workflow as below.

[image] FDR Nano Smart Mobile Workflow including FDR D-EVO II, Virtual Grid, and FDR Nano Digital X-ray Cart
Pinpoint movement
[photo] Healthcare professional moving FDR Nano cart through a narrow hallway

Even in narrow spaces such as bedside and elevator, changing direction can be done with ease.

Easy positioning
[photo] Healthcare professional sliding apparatus over man lying in hospital bed

Simply sliding or turning the whole apparatus enables easy position changes.

The shortest moving distance
[photo] Healthcare professional positioning apparatus over man lying in hospital bed

The slim body allows technologists to make less moves in device operation and positioning.

Maintaining Clean Equipments

[photo] Surgical team working over surgical table in OR

Medical equipment surface tends to have high risk for transferring germs, and it is essential to maintaining clean equipments in Operation rooms.

[photo] FDR Nano system with Hydro Ag antibacterial coating on screen/interface and D-EVO II
Easy to clean with flat surface
[photo] Surface of FDR Nano interface with x-ray image of chest on screen
IPX6 waterproofing cassette DR
[photo] Water splashing on cassette DR
Easy bagging
[photo] Easy bagging for cassette DR

Patient friendly

Minimum exposure is desirable when taking X-ray images of a new born or infant.

[photo] Newborn infant lying in incubator with gloved hands reaching inside

Fujifilm's exclusive technology for achieving High Quality Images

ISS System reading technology

Equipped with an indirect conversion system called ISS method which bonds optical sensors (TFT) to the X-ray irradiation side unlike traditional flat detector displays. This greatly suppresses scattering and attenuation of X-ray signals, creating a sharp image with low X-ray dose. By applying flexible film to device detector, FDR D-EVO II has achieved DQE 54% (CsI scintillator), 31% (GOS scintillator)  (1Lp/mm-RQA5 1mR)  

Conventional method

ISS system reading technology

Fujifilm noise reduction circuit improves detector sensitivity in high absorption regions

The uniquely developed noise reduction circuit reduces noise in the image. In particular, granularity of low-concentration regions such as the heart and mediastinum is dramatically improved.

Advanced Image Processing

FUJIFILM has over 30 year’s experience the invention of the world’s first CR system in defining the latest technology to provide optimized X-ray imaging.
Simpler, more efficient with improved workflow for the radiographer our advanced image processing provides higher diagnostic value with reduced impact for the patients.

Compatible with Console Advance, employing advanced image processing technology to provide optimized X-ray image

Simpler, more efficient with improved workflow for the Radiographer, our advanced image processing high quality image with reduced impact for the patients.

Virtual Grid

Grid like Image quality without using a grid

  • * Optional

Virtual Grid is an image processing software that corrects for the effects of scatter radiation that otherwise reduce image contrast and clarity. Without the need for an anti-scatter grid, this software quickly predicts and then corrects for the effects of scattered radiation...
creating high quality images.

Dynamic Visualization II

  • * Optional

Advanced recognition algorithms automatically adjust contrast and density for individual body parts based on calculation of estimated 3D image data.

Products Name : FDR nano(Model name : DR-XD 1000)

Following items are used with FDR nano

 Product (s) nameModel No.
DR-XD 1000 Added Filter603Y130021


  • * Fujifilm makes no representation that products on this website are commercially available in all countries.
  • * Approved uses of products vary by country and region.
  • * Specifications and appearance of products are subject to change without notice.