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New Zealand

May 2, 2024

Pricing Update for Data Storage Media Products

FUJIFILM Corporation is announcing today that the company will implement a price update for FUJIFILM Data Storage Media products.

Due to the significant increase of raw material costs, Fujifilm will increase the price of FUJIFILM LTO Ultrium 9 Data Cartridge effective on July 1, 2024.

  • FUJIFILM LTO Ultrium 9 Data Cartridge +15%

Concurrently, the prices of older generation LTO 7 and LTO 8 products will be updated at the same time as follows; 

  • FUJIFILM LTO Ultrium 8 Data Cartridge +40%
  • FUJIFILM LTO Ultrium 7 Data Cartridge +40%

Fujifilm remains committed to the development of tape technology to ensure that data tape continues to be the most cost-effective and energy-efficient storage solution available. 
Contact your FUJIFILM Data Storage Solutions sales representative for any questions or more details.
For more information on FUJIFILM Data Storage Media products, go to